
mén zhěn
  • outpatient service;section for outpatients
门诊 [mén zhěn]
  • [outpatient service] 医生在医院里给不住院的病人治疗

门诊[mén zhěn]
  1. 本文通过计算机建立了糖尿病病案管理分析系统(DMAS),该系统包括记录糖尿病及其慢性并发症情况的5个数据库,被用于门诊、病房和研究机构收集、分析病史资料。

    A computer system named Diabetic Medical History Management and Analysis System ( DMAS ) had been established . It contained of five databases of diabetes mellitus and its long-term complications . DMAS was applicable to collect and analysis diabetic medical history in outpatient service , ward and institute .

  2. 门诊流程是医院的核心流程。

    Outpatient service process is the core process of a hospital .

  3. 门诊部有6名工作人员。

    The outpatient program has a staff of six people

  4. 她作为门诊病人接受了精神科护理。

    She received psychiatric care as an outpatient .

  5. 然后门诊医生将会写信给你的全科医生以取得他的同意。

    The clinic doctor will then write to your GP to get his agreement .

  6. 开展门诊费用跨省直接结算试点

    Pilot inter-provincial on-the-spot settlement of outpatient bills through basic medical insurance accounts . ►

  7. 门诊什么时间结束?

    What time does surgery finish ?

  8. 《意见》还提出逐步采取措施,实现在门诊发生的费用,用统筹基金支付,慢性病、常见病用药也纳入统筹支付。

    The unified . The guideline has called for efforts to take gradual steps toward reimbursing and common illnesses incorporated .

  9. 圣彼得让他进了天堂。第二个医生回答我没得过什么奖,但我开设过免费门诊,免费治病。圣彼得让他进了天堂。

    The second doctor said , ″ I haven 't won any prizes , but I 've started free clinics and helped those in need forfree . ″ St. Peter let him in .

  10. 门诊部经常咨询父母:“医生,我的孩子最近经常眨眼,就像他不会打喷嚏一样。其他人说这孩子很淘气。我在网上查过,难道不是多发性抽动症吗?”

    The clinic often encounters parent counseling : " doctor , my child recently often winks and makes eyes as if he is about to sneeze and cannot hit the appearance , others say that the child is naughty , I checked on the Internet , can not be tourette ? "

  11. 门诊传染病患者健康教育需求调查分析P患者的资料。

    Investigation on the Health Education Demands for the Infectious Patients P were analyzed retrospectively .

  12. 它提供一组Web服务接口,支持门诊系统上传和查询数据。

    It provides a set of Web services interfaces that enable clinical systems to upload and query data .

  13. 方法:对门诊127例患者阴道分泌物进行线索细胞、胺试验、pH值测定。

    Method s : The vaginal secretion of 127 patients was detected by clue cell , amine test and pH.

  14. 方法采集84例性病门诊患者泌尿生殖道分泌物,用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测生殖支原体脱氧核糖核酸(mgDNA)。

    Methods 84 STD clinic patients ' genitourinary tract secretions were collected for Mg DNA detection by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .

  15. 69名病人中,41人为住院病人(H组),28人为门诊病人(O组)。

    Of the 69 patients , 41 were hospitalized patients ( as group H ) and 28 were out-patients ( as group O ) .

  16. 2000例门诊和住院患者中HIV与HBV、HCV混合感染的血清学分析

    Serological analysis of 2 000 cases of ambulatory and hospitalized patients with mixed HIV and HBV and HCV infections

  17. 应用PCR诊断技术对门诊997例性病患者进行淋球菌(NG)、沙眼衣原体(CT)及解脲支原体(UU)的检测。

    The detection of NG , CT and UU by PCR was conducted in 997 out patients with STDs .

  18. 目的:探讨门诊实施健康教育对糖尿病(DM)患者血糖、糖化血红蛋白的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of outpatient health education on diabetic patients ' blood glucose and HbA 1c .

  19. 运用PDCA循环实施门诊护理质量管理初探

    Primary Study of PDCA Cycle on Nursing Quality Control in Outpatient Department

  20. 计划生育门诊每天需要照看数百个病人,而且职员们没有接受过关于HIV阳性方面的特殊培训。

    Family planning clinics often process hundreds of patients in a day and the staff receive little or no special training on advising HIV-positive clients .

  21. 目的:观察监测麻醉(MAC)用于门诊隆胸术是否优于传统的区域阻滞麻醉。

    Objective : To investigate whether monitored anesthetical care ( MAC ) is better than traditional regional anesthesia in mammary augmentation surgery .

  22. 方法病例-对照研究1996年1月~2000年1月专科门诊132名新患者,资料处理采用条件Logistic回归分析。

    Methods Case-control study of 132 patients with gout were examined from January . 1996 to January 2000 . Conditional logistic regression analysis was performed .

  23. 方法对我院28例有CNS病变的SLE住院及专科门诊的病人进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The clinical data of 28 patients with CNS involvement of SLE in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed .

  24. 实施PDCA提高门诊注射室护理工作满意度

    Improvement of the Satisfaction of Nursing Job in Injection-room of Outpatient by Applying PDCA

  25. 综合医院心理门诊115例EPQ结果分析

    The EPQ Analysis of 115 Clients in Clinical Psychological department of a General Hospital

  26. 目的比较瑞芬太尼(REM)复合丙泊酚在门诊肠镜中的临床应用。

    Objective To compare the clinical application of compound fluid of Remifentanil ( REM ) and Propofol .

  27. 目的了解呼吸科门诊呼吸道感染患者TB、MP和CP感染情况。

    Objective To comprehend the status of tuberculous , mycoplasmal and chlamydial infection in outpatients with respiratory tract infection at Respiratory outpatient Department .

  28. 同时,对在DVT专业门诊就医并被诊断为下肢深静脉血栓形成的36例患者,做了放射性核素肺灌注扫描检查,以发现肺栓塞。

    PE was diagnose using radionuclide pulmonary ventilation / perf usio n scan in 36 DVT patients .

  29. 结论:STD门诊患者支原体感染以解脲支原体为主,且耐药现象相当严重。

    Conclusion : The study showed that the major mycoplasma infection was Uu , and the resistance to antibiotics was very severe .

  30. 方法:以镜检结果为对照,用ICT方法检测门诊四热病人中的恶性疟。

    METHODS : With thick blood smear method as control , ICT was used for the detection of P. falciparum .