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  • 网络Tibetan Buddhism
  1. 阿布辛拜勒圣殿供奉着四尊神的雕像。

    The sanctuary of Abu Simbel contains statues of the temple 's four gods .

  2. 主祷文的第二句教导我们要「尊神的名为圣」,究竟是甚麽意思呢?

    The very first phrase after the two words'Our Father'reminds us of this . 'Hallowed be thy name . 'What does that mean ?

  3. 本文首次对其中尊神名号给予确认,对其绘画内容及艺术风格加以研究论述。

    This essay confirms , for the first time , the deity titles mentioned in this book and studies its painting subjects and artistic styles .

  4. 主祷文紧接首句「我们在天上的父」之后,便教导我们「尊神的名为圣」,这究竟是甚麽意思呢?

    The very first phrase after the two words " Our Father " reminds us of this . " Hallowed be thy name . " What does that mean ?

  5. 或是重复一个字、一句话、持咒语、或者持诵一个你信仰的某尊神或圣者的名号。

    Or start repeating a word , or a phrase , or some mantra , perhaps the name of a god or saintly person towards whom you have devotion ;

  6. 愿一切寻求你的,因你高兴欢喜。愿那些喜爱你救恩的常说,当尊神为大。

    Let all those who are looking for you be glad and have joy in you ; let the lovers of your salvation ever say , may God be great .

  7. 殷商尊神而率民,西周制礼作乐,春秋礼崩乐坏是荀子社会伦理思想的历史背景。

    The Shang period which respected god and lead the people , the Western Zhou Dynasty created ritual and music , the Spring and Autumn which system of ritual and music collapsed . It was history background of Xun Zi social ethics thought .

  8. 白化的印度象;稀少,在亚洲东部有时被尊为神象。

    Albinic Indian elephant ; rare and sometimes venerated in east Asia .

  9. 神化,尊为神宗教地位的升高或发展;神化。

    Exaltation to divine rank or stature ; deification .

  10. 在古老的中国塔吉克文化中,慕士塔格阿塔山被尊为神。

    In the age - old Tajik culture in China , the Muztagata Mountains is deified ;

  11. 以及令人惊叹的海战表演,都是为了强化对神一样的皇帝的信仰,而他将在死后被尊为神。

    and the awe-inspiring naumachiae were all designed to bolster faith in the god-like Emperor , who would be declared a god after his own death .

  12. 一股韩流正席卷中国,很多中国女人迷恋金秀贤(KimSoo-hyun)和李敏镐(LeeMin-ho)那样的韩国明星,把他们尊为男神。

    A Korean wave is sweeping across China , with many Chinese women worshipping South Korean actors Kim Soo-hyun and Lee Min-ho as demigods .

  13. 志贺直哉(1883&1971)是活跃于日本近代文坛的著名作家,他不仅是白桦派的杰出代表,也是日本心境小说的开拓者,被日本人尊为小说之神。

    Naoya Shiga ( 1883 - 1971 ) is the famous writer who was active in the Japanese literary in modern times . He is not only an outstanding representative of silver birch group , but also respected as the " the god of the novel " by the Japanese .