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  1. 《桃花扇》中侯李爱情悲剧有着独特的个案意义。

    Lee and Hou 's love tragedy in Peach Blossom Fan manifests unique characteristics and implication .

  2. 爱情遭遇政治的悲剧范例&《桃花扇》中侯李爱情的特质及其悲剧意蕴

    A Typical Tragedy of Love in Politics & Characteristics of Lee and Hou 's Love and Its Tragedy in Peach Blossom Fan

  3. 长江中下游梅雨气侯区水汽来源及输送

    Moisture source and transfer in the Meiyu climatic region of the mid-lower Changjiang River

  4. 该选举委员会说,有必要举行决选,因为在3月29号的选举中没有一名侯选人得到超过半数的选票。

    The run-off is necessary , according to the ZEC , because no candidate got more than half the votes cast in the March 29 elections .