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  • 网络median;Mid-Point;middle value
  1. 他们收入要比全国的中间数高得多。

    Their incomes are far higher than the national median .

  2. 六是三和九的中间数。

    Six is the mean number between three and nine .

  3. 五和七的中间数是五。

    The mean of 3,5 and 7 is 5 .

  4. 17,20,和36的中间数是20;今年的平均收益是15000美圆。

    The median value of 17 , 20 , and 36 is 20 ; the median income for the year was $ 15,000 .

  5. 整个大视域目标的图像像素数据由每帧图像正中间数行的像素数据逐步填充而成,实现了大视域目标图像的自然无缝获取。

    When the large object image data is filled up with several middle lines data that drawn out from multiple frames step by step , a natural and smooth image of the large view object is acquired .

  6. 因为在GAS中中间操作数带$前缀,所以80hex是$0x80。

    Because immediate operands are prefixed with $ in GAS , 80 hex is $ 0x80 .

  7. 当加减法和乘除法联合运算时,必需取得中间和数。

    When combining addition and subtraction with multiplication and division it is necessary to take interim totals .

  8. 选择适当的工作区间、合适的中间单元数及系统组织数据可以加快网络收敛,提高精度。

    Choosing appropriate work range ; appropriate middle cell number and systematically organizing data can quicken convergence of network and improve estimation .

  9. 这就是以法莲子孙的各族,照他们中间被数的,共有三万二千五百名。

    These are the families of the sons of Ephraim according to those that were numbered of them , thirty and two thousand and five hundred .

  10. 按著家族、这就是拿弗他利的各族、他们中间被数的、共有四万五千四百名。

    These are the families of Naphtali according to their families : and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and four hundred .

  11. 图16所示为开挖建设汉堡地下四车道车站时使用的支撑系统,采用了中间打入数排钢桩的设计。

    In Fig. 16 details are given of the propping arrangement with central rows of driven steel piles , as used during the excavation for a four-track underground station in Hamburg .

  12. 平均路径稳定时间、平均新增中间节点数和平均跳数来评估这些路由度量的影响。

    Specially , this paper evaluates the impact of these routing metrics on the following performance metrics : average path stability time , average number of new intermediate nodes , and average hop counts .

  13. 其中包括了偏小型模糊数、偏大型模糊数及中间型模糊数。(5)针对传统模糊数据包络分析方法中评价方法的单一性,提出了基于向量的评价方法。

    This extension includes partial small type fuzzy number , partial large type fuzzy number and middle type fuzzy numbers . ( 5 ) For the simplicity of the evaluating methods of traditional fuzzy data envelopment analysis method , we propose a new evaluating method based on vector .

  14. 证明路、完全图和星图三种特殊图中间图的pebbling数问题。

    In this paper , we proved the pebbling numbers of the middle graphs of specific graphs such as paths 、 complete graphs and star graphs .

  15. 提高中间包浇铸炉数的措施及实践

    Measures and Practice of Increasing Casting Charge Number of Tundish

  16. 提高中间包浇铸炉数

    Increasing tundish sequence casting heat number

  17. 高转速下排气颗粒数浓度和体积浓度大于中间转速时的数浓度和体积浓度。

    The total number and volume concentrations at high engine speed are larger than at middle engine speed .

  18. 并分析了中间层神经元个数和输入层神经元的个数对压力识别的影响。

    Analyze the effect on cylinder pressure recovery caused by the middle layer neural network and the input layer neural network .

  19. 经过对网络拓扑结构优化,证明中间隐藏层单元数取6时结构最优。

    Optimization of the topological structure of the net , 6 units of middle hidden layer had been proved to be the optimum value .

  20. 通过分析影响中间包浇铸炉数的因素,提出了提高浇铸炉数的措施,实践证明效果明显。

    Factors influencing the casting charge number of tundish are analyzed . Measures to increase the casting charge number are presented and the measures are proved to be very effective in practice .

  21. 结果406例急性乙醇中毒患者白细胞计数、中性粒细胞绝对数、淋巴细胞绝对数和中间型细胞绝对数均高于正常对照组,P<0.001。

    [ Results ] The leucocytes count , absolute neutrophils count , lymphocytes count and absolute middle cells count among the 406 cases of acute alcoholism were all higher than that among the control group ( P < 0.001 ) .