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zhēn rén
  • A real person;immortal;in the flesh;actual person
真人 [zhēn rén]
  • (1) [in the flesh; actual person]∶亲身和活着的人

  • 在银幕上但决非真人

  • (2) [immortal]∶道教称有养本性或修行得道的人,多用做称号

真人[zhēn rén]
  1. 这个故事是根据真人真事写的。

    The story is based on fact .

  2. 如与真人、真实地点或真实事件有雷同之处,纯属巧合。

    Any resemblance to actual persons , places or events is purely coincidental

  3. 每一件艺术品都是绘在象牙上的精美绝伦的真人肖像,都是独一无二的。

    Each piece is unique , an exquisite painting of a real person , done on ivory

  4. 我把蜡像当成真人了。

    I took the wax figure as a real person .

  5. 那座雕像和真人一样大。

    The statue was as big as life .

  6. 要是她真人和她Facebook上的照片一样好看就好了。

    If only she was as good looking in real life , as she was in her Facebook photos .

  7. Cinderella《灰姑娘》迪士尼在2015年出了一部真人版电影《灰姑娘》,但是和1950年动画版并没有太大差别。

    Disney 's live-action Cinderella came out in 2015 , but it wasn 't much different from the 1950 cartoon .

  8. GodzillavsKong《哥斯拉大战金刚》在拳台的一头是曾在1933年定格动画真人电影中饱受相思之苦,然后在2017年电影《金刚:骷髅岛》中重生的大猩猩。

    In the red corner : a lovelorn ape that came to stop-motion life in 1933 , and was revived in 2017 's Kong : Skull16 Island .

  9. PeterRabbit2《比得兔2:逃跑计划》评论界对于2018年的《比得兔》评价不太高,这部真人动画电影与其说改编自毕翠克丝·波特的可爱图画书,不如说改编自滑稽暴力卡通片《兔八哥》。

    Critics weren 't too keen on 2018 's Peter Rabbit , a blend of live-action and animation1 that owed less to Beatrix Potter 's charming picture books than to the slapstick violence of a Bugs2 Bunny cartoon .

  10. 彩弹射击(真人CS)Paintballing彩弹射击是一项竞技性团体射击运动,玩家们用一种被称为彩弹的球形染色明胶胶囊击打对手,以此在比赛中淘汰对手。

    Paintballing is a competitive team shooting sport in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with spherical dye-filled gelatin capsules called paintballs that break upon impact .

  11. 传奇影业与Pokemon公司20日宣布将联合推出Pokemon系列真人电影,影片将讲述Pokemon系列新角色侦探皮卡丘的故事。

    Legendary and The Pokemon Co. on Wednesday announced that they will launch the first Pokemon live-action film franchise2 based on Detective Pikachu , a new character in the Pokemon universe .

  12. 电影中既有真人讲的真事,也有演员的独白

    That film combines real testimonials with monologues read by actors .

  13. 蜘蛛宇宙又将重启,这一次是真人电影。

    The Spider-verse is back . This time in live-action .

  14. 这部真人版网剧改编自上世纪九十年代的一部经典日漫。

    The series is a live-action adaptation of a classic 1990s Japanese comic .

  15. 但是在伴侣不是真人的情况下,这位人类学家新获得的快乐可能是真实的吗?

    But can the anthropologist 's newfound happiness be real when her partner isn 't ?

  16. 最佳真人短片奖:《氦》

    Best short live action film : Helium

  17. 阿兹特克人牺牲真人来祭祀

    The Aztecs immolated human victims .

  18. 典型的网红可能会迅速在评论区回应,但是阿喜不是一个典型的网红,她甚至不是一个真人。

    Typical influencers might clap back with a comment , but Angie is not a typical influencer -- she 's not even a real person .

  19. 乌克兰一名女子将自己整容成“真人洋娃娃”后在全球一举成名,随后,至少又有两名女子加入这一趋势,自愿感染“芭比流感”。

    Example : After one Ukrainian woman gained international notoriety for her transformation into a " living doll " , at least two more have surfaced as devotees of the beauty trend , nicknamed the " Barbie flu " .

  20. 明星真人秀是一个“非常糟糕的事情”,它一方面导致各家电视台急功近利,没有时间去研发,而是到全世界去买版权,丧失了自己的创意;

    Reality shows by celebrities3 are terrible . For one thing , they drive the TV stations to seek quick success and instant benefits . They ignore research and innovation , instead relying heavily on introducing shows created by other countries .

  21. 相反,他们从《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)这类电视真人秀节目中找到了灵感。

    Instead , they found inspiration from reality TV competitions like American Idol .

  22. 最佳竞技真人秀:《美国之声》(TheVoice,NBC)

    Reality Competition Program : " The Voice " ( NBC )

  23. 真人CS可以提高自信心。

    Honorable person CS may enhance the self-confidence .

  24. 真人实景游戏中基于PDA的客户端软件开发

    Development of Client Software in Real Game based on PDA

  25. 我知道这一点,是因为我花了许多时间观看电视真人秀节目,比如《学徒》(TheApprentice)和《全美超级模特儿新秀大赛》(America'sNextTopModel)。

    I know this because I have spent many hours watching reality TV shows such as The Apprentice and America 's Next Top Model .

  26. 在一段时期内,真人CS只是社会上的一项时尚运动。

    In times , honorable person CS is only in a society 's fashionable movement .

  27. MarsOne正计划一个电视真人秀节目,观众可以选择宇航员并看着他们准备史诗般的旅程。

    Mars One is planning a reality TV show where the audience can select the astronauts and watch as they prepare for the epic journey .

  28. 2008年,他还写过一部轰动的英国恐怖迷你剧《死亡片场》(DeadSet),想像出一个僵尸末日世界,发生在《老大哥》(BigBrother)真人秀片场。

    He also wrote a hit British horror mini-series , Dead Set , in 2008 , which imagined a zombie apocalypse taking place around the reality series Big Brother .

  29. 真人CS作为新兴的户外运动,恰恰符合了人们崇尚户外运动的心理。

    Honorable person CS takes the emerging sport , conformed to the people to advocate the sport exactly the psychology .

  30. 而谁能拒绝被爱与被宠的诱惑呢?真人CS可以延年益寿。

    But who can refuse to love with the enticement which favors ? honorable person CS may prolong the life .