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dū cù
  • to urge;supervise and urge;prompting;press;prod;push forward
督促 [dū cù]
  • [supervise and urge;press] 监督催促

  • 督促这个男孩做完功课

督促[dū cù]
  1. 督促配方实施严格按照操作控制程序合理有序进行。

    Supervise and urge formulation reasonably put in practice under strict handling procedures .

  2. 第四,加强银行外部监管,严格督促商业银行提高信息披露质量。

    Lastly , strengthening bank supervision to supervise and urge commercial bank strictly to improve the quality of information disclosure .

  3. 他能够努力工作,但偶尔需要督促一下。

    He can work hard but he needs a nudge now and then .

  4. 我父母总是督促我。

    My parents are always checking up on me .

  5. 这位音乐老师认真督促她的学生。

    The music teacher really pushes her pupils .

  6. 他不用督促。

    He needed no prodding .

  7. 他们将督促国际社会采取行动保护臭氧层。

    They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer

  8. 他通过几句有针对性的话不断督促着队伍。

    He chivvies the troops along with a few well-directed words .

  9. 他指责那些督促他改变习惯的人。

    He denounces people who urge him to alter his ways

  10. 政府正在督促日本的公司进行更多的海外合作。

    The government is urging Japan 's firms to collaborate with foreigners .

  11. 这份报告将督促政府加大在卫生服务方面的支出。

    The report should prod the Government into spending more on the Health Service

  12. 她感谢父母送她上学并督促她学习。

    She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study

  13. 我只是要督促一下金,总共也就需要5分钟。

    I 'm just checking up on Kim . It 'll take me all of five minutes .

  14. 已经布置了的工作,应当认真督促检查。

    We must supervise and speed up the fulfilment of assigned tasks .

  15. 有经验的老师习惯于督促学生用功学习。

    The experienced teacher is used to keeping his students at hard work .

  16. 我希望孩子们能理解,老师是在督促他们尽最大努力,而不是在刁难他们。

    I   hope   kids   can understand that   teachers   push   them   to   do   their   best   and   not   just   to   give them   a   hard   time .

  17. 在候车大厅,督促乘客保持安全距离。

    Passengers are urged to practice social distancing at the waiting halls .

  18. 例句我的拳击课老师每周都督促我们要更努力训练。

    My boxing class instructor1 really pushes us to try harder each week .

  19. 第十七章督促程序

    Chapter XVII Procedure for Hastening Debt Recovery

  20. 交通运输部将督促网约车平台与驾驶员签订正式劳动合同,落实驾驶员权益保障责任。

    The Ministry of Transport will require ride-hailing platforms to sign formal labor contracts with drivers and clarify the platforms ' responsibilities to the drivers they employ .

  21. Lewis督促说,可以再进一步追问一下原因。

    Prod further , Lewis says , and find out why that it is .

  22. 晚期20例实验组AD病人实施饮食、大小便、防褥疮、安全方面护理指导,同时争取家庭照顾者的支持,让照顾者帮助和督促病人进行各种护理活动。

    20 patients were selected as later stage group , and dietary adjustment , home support , safe nursing instruction and supervision of patients ' nursing were adapted .

  23. FrankGehry-FrankGehry对我说:我妈妈过去总是督促我。

    ( Laughter ) Frank Gehry & Frank Gehry said to me , My mother pushed me .

  24. 通过一个类似于Facebook动态消息推送(newsfeed)的界面,参与者的所有相关活动都会彼此分享,团队成员或竞争对手可以发表评论、给予口头表扬或者互相督促。

    All the activities are shared among participants on a Facebook-like news feed , where teammates and rivals can comment , give verbal pats on the back , or urge each other on .

  25. inspiringinterns通过个性测试对应聘者进行筛选,对他们的面试技巧进行指导,并督促他们制作一个视频简历。

    Inspiring interns screens them with personality tests , coaches them on interview technique and urges them to make a video-clip curriculum vitae .

  26. 有关索马里(Somalia)和非洲之角(HornofAfrica)民众死亡的怵目惊心的报道以及家庭和儿童挣扎求生的画面,让我们不忘共有的人性,并督促我们采取行动。

    The heartbreaking accounts of lost lives and the images of families and children in Somalia and the Horn of Africa struggling to survive remind us of our common humanity and compel us to act .

  27. 国际能源署(iea)督促石油输出国组织欧佩克(opec)提高产量,称“对于额外供应存在明显而紧迫的需求”。

    The International Energy Agency urged the OPEC oil cartel to step up output , saying there was a " clear , urgent need for additional supplies " .

  28. 认识到这个问题后,SWATTeam督促该银行在不同的逻辑分区模式(LPAR)上分隔应用程序服务器测试和生产系统,以免它们互相影响。

    Recognizing this problem , the SWAT Team urged the bank to separate the application server test and production systems on different logically partitioned modes ( LPAR ) so that they would not affect each other .

  29. 方法给病人讲解RA基本知识,使患者正确掌握服药方法,对活动期病人给予生活护理,稳定期帮助及督促关节功能锻炼。

    Methods Explain the basic knowledge of RA to make the patients master the correct method of taking medicine . Give life nursing to patients in active stage . Help and urge the exercise of joint function in stable stage .

  30. 当美国政府督促著挪威政府将他送入监牢时,挪威的青少年JonJohansen也开始享受到了DMCA的效应。

    The Norwegian teenager Jon Johansen also got to enjoy the effect of the DMCA when the US government pushed the Norwegian government into imprisoning him .