
  • 【生态】respect for ownership
  1. 内阁部长们坚称,在审查交易期间,他们必须尊重法律所有权。

    Ministers insist that they must observe the legal proprietaries in examining the bid .

  2. 对第三人负有尊重其所有权和其他权利的义务,安全保障义务。

    Owes to the third party the duty to respect the ownership and other right of his , to secure the safe of the third party .

  3. 尊重劳动者个人所有权应该是理解个人所有制的关键,科学的公有制实现形式应该是劳动者个人股份所有制。

    This essay states that the key factors to understand this lie in a respect to the private ownership of the workers , and that the workers ' private ownership based on share-holding constructs the scientific realization of public ownership .

  4. 指出遗嘱自由的存在价值在于实现家庭职能的要求、对当事人意思自治的尊重、对财产所有权保护几方面。

    The existence of freedom of testament lies in the requirements of family functions , the respect to the party autonomy , and the protection of property ownership and so on .