
  • 网络numerus clausus
  1. 物权法定是物权法的基本原则之一,它包括类型强制和类型固定。

    The principle of numerus clausus is the main principle in sachenrecht , including typenzwang and typenfixierung .

  2. 论物权法定主义与私法自治精神

    On Legalism of Jus in Re and the Autonomy of Private Law

  3. 物权法定原则的出路何在?

    Real right legalization principle is originated from Roman law .

  4. 物权法定主义是物权法建构的核心基础。

    The legal property rights are the core of construction of property rights .

  5. 物权法定主义价值演进与合理性分析&我国物权法的制定是否应当坚持物权法定原则

    The Reasonable Analysis and Value Gradual Progress of Principle of statutory real right

  6. 物权法定主义是物权法的基本原则,是物权立法的基石。

    Grundsatz der Sachenrecht is basic principle of property law and legislative basis .

  7. 物权法定主义与我国的物权法体系之建构

    Legal Property Rights and Its Construction in China

  8. 论物权法定原则

    On Principle of Legal Prescription of Real Right

  9. 物权法定主义原则的反思

    The Principle of Real Right Legal Doctrine

  10. 物权法定及物权公示原则要求物权的变动必须经过公示。

    The principles of statutory and Publication of Property request changes be through the publicity .

  11. 物权法定原则是大陆法系国家物权法的基本原则之一,在物权法领域居于重要的地位。

    Numerus clauses is a fundamental principle of property right laws of mainland law system .

  12. 物权法定主义与物权法的制度价值和规范设计密不可分。

    Grundsatz der Sachenrecht is unseparate with the system value and norm design of property law .

  13. 坚持物权法定、公示公信等物权基本原则;

    Persisting in statutory principle of real right , principle of public summons , and so on ;

  14. 物权法定原则&兼评物权法定原则之否定

    Legal principle of property right & Commenting on the legal principle of property right in the negative

  15. 引言主要介绍物权法定主义及其困境,以及其存在的必要性。

    The foreword mainly introduces legal doctrine and predicament of the real right , and its necessity existing .

  16. 物权法定主义:在自由与强制之间

    The Doctrine of Numerus

  17. 从物权法定主义看法的价值对客观真实观的几点批判

    The Value of the Legal Doctrine of Real Right Criticism on Several Points of " Legal Truth " Doctrine

  18. 物权法定原则之所以能沿用至今,足以说明其存在的合理性。

    The principle of statutory real right has been used by now , and it sufficiently explains the rationality of its existence .

  19. 知识产权作为抵押权的标的,符合现代物权法定原则的发展趋势。

    It 's well in the trend of statutory principle of modern property law to treat intellectual property rights as subject matters of hypothec .

  20. 物权法定主义原则被普遍认为是物权法的一项基本原则,它具有一定的历史必然性,发挥了积极的作用。

    The principle of real right legal doctrine a basic law principle , and it has the certain history necessity and the positive function .

  21. 第二部分是对物权法定主义与私法自治精神冲突的分析。

    Part two is the analysis to that the legal doctrine of the real right conflicts with the autonomy spirit of the private law .

  22. 物权法定主义作为物权法的一项基本原则,学者们对其褒贬不一。

    As a basic principle of the law relating to rights over things , legalism of jus in re accepts lots of praise and criticism .

  23. 具体的法律制度总会体现法律对其价值目标的追求,物权法定主义也不例外。

    Specific legal system always reflects the pursuit of the law to the value . The legal doctrine of real right is out of exception .

  24. 新出台的《担保法》解释基于物权法定主义规定当事人约定的担保期间无效。

    The newly enacted Security Law announces invalid the time period of security agreed by the parties concerned according to the principle of legal real right .

  25. 但一个现实的问题是,如果全盘否定物权法定主义,就等于否定现行的法律,因为我们的《物权法》就采纳了物权法定主义。

    But a practical problem is , if negate anise , denial of the law , the property law , because we will adopt the anise .

  26. 因此,在坚持物权法定原则的基础上,需要通过相对化的方法其进行完善,使其更好地适应社会经济发展。

    Thus , on the basis of committing to numerus clauses principle , we need to perfect the principle by relativization to meet social and economic development .

  27. 对物权法定主义的逻辑和价值反思&兼评有关立法思路和立法建议

    Reflections on the Logic and Value of the Doctrine of Numerus of Right Over Things & A Review of Relevant Legislative Train of Thought and Some Personal Suggestion for Legislation

  28. 此外,我国至今也未能制定出关于按揭的法律规范,有悖于物权法定的大陆法系传统。

    Besides , up to day , China has no made the law in relation to mortgage system , which contradicts the tradition that property right should be provided by law .

  29. 值得一提的是,有些学者认为空间所有权的存在是对一物一权主义和物权法定主义的颠覆。

    It is worth mentioning that some scholars believe that the existence of space ownership is a subversion of " a matter of a right-ism " and " property prescribed " .

  30. 地役权以其意思自治性和相容性,在物权法定主义原则相对凝固的状态下,对调节不动产之间的利用关系起到润滑和活跃的作用。

    Compared with the fixing of real right legalization principle , autonomy of the will and compatibility of easement plays a smooth and active role in adjusting the utilization relationship of real estates .