
  1. 用一个物体打击另一个物体产生声音的乐器。

    A musical instrument in which the sound is produced by one object striking another .

  2. 伤害类型以机车车辆伤害最多,其次是汽车车辆伤害、高处坠落和物体打击。

    As to types of injuries , locomotive and vehicle injuries were most numerous , followed by automobile vehicle injuries , falling from a high place and hit by an object .

  3. 严重体罚的定义是指被用同一物体打击、被踢、被掐喉咙或气管导致窒息、被闷导致窒息、被烧、被烫、被纹身、被殴打或被用武器威胁。

    Severe physical punishment was defined as being hit with an object , being kicked , choked , smothered , burnt , scalded , branded , beaten or threatened with a weapon .

  4. 通过分析大量以往建筑施工安全事故,得出高层建筑施工的主要伤害类型有:高处坠落、机械伤害、起重伤害、物体打击、触电和坍塌,这些事故占总事故的70%以上。

    Though analyzing many existing construction accidents , we get to know that the major injury modes include the falling from high place , machine injury , crane injury , object beating , electric shock and collapse . These accidents occupy the 70 percents of all accidents .

  5. 用扁平的物体敲打或打击;使劲打。

    To strike or hit with a flat object ; whack .