
shēnɡ lǐ nián línɡ
  • physiological age
  1. 广州地区中华按蚊生理年龄的组成

    The physiological age of Anopheles HYRCANUS sinensis in the Canton area

  2. 温度与棉株生理年龄的协同效应对棉纤维发育的影响

    Synergistic Effect of Temperature and Cotton Physiological Age on Fibre Development

  3. 并且,端粒也被科学家们视为生理年龄的标记,即一个人的细胞年龄,而不是他们的实际年龄。

    Thus , telomeres are considered a marker of biological age — that is , the age of a person 's cells , rather than the individual 's chronological4 age .

  4. PPP患儿GnRH激发试验呈阴性,骨龄与生理年龄基本相符。

    GnRH stimulation test of each case in PPP group was negative , bone age was the same with chronological age .

  5. 意识到他的生理年龄比我还大

    and realise he 's older than me in his body .

  6. 我的意思是考虑到生理年龄。

    I mean , considering the bioiogicai age .

  7. 而植株的冠层直径,无论是品种间还是生理年龄间均没有差异。

    There was no difference of plant canopy and photosynthesis between varieties and physiological ages .

  8. 我的生理年龄比实际年龄更高,这让我有点心烦。

    I 'm a bit upset because my bio-age is higher than my real age .

  9. 加琳娜的生理年龄是69岁,但她的实际年龄只有62岁。

    Galina has a bio-age of 69 , but she 's only 62 years old .

  10. 狩猎库蚊生理年龄与班氏丝虫传播关系

    The relationship between the physiological age of Culex fatigans and its transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti

  11. 三带喙库蚊越冬后发生规律及其生理年龄组成的研究

    Study on the Early occurrences and Age-compositions of the Overwintered mesquite , Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles

  12. 虽然我们无法控制我们的实际年龄,我们确实有控制我们的生理年龄。

    While we cannot control our chronological age , we do have control over our biological age .

  13. 大家都知道心理年龄对生理年龄的影响要比实际年龄大。

    It is now known that psychological age correlates more closely to biological age than chronological age .

  14. 本模型为一变维矩阵组合模型。除能随环境温度而改变矩阵维数外,采用生理年龄为矩阵步长。

    This is a dimension-changeable matrix model in which its dimensions can be changed according to the changes in environmental temperatures .

  15. 常规材料中,1年生块茎的叶绿素含量显著高于除珠芽外的其它材料。7.随着种茎生理年龄的增长,根系活力逐渐增强。

    In general material , the chlorophyll content of annual tuber is significant higher than others which exclude bulblets . 7 .

  16. 综上所述,本研究表明处于不同生理年龄时期的健康人其肠道菌群存在差异。

    In conclusion , the results of this research indicate that the diversity of intestinal flora is closely related to human age .

  17. 结论生理年龄和心理素质是影响高龄肺癌患者外科治疗的重要因素。

    Conclusion Physiological age and psychologic tolerance are two important factors affecting the outcome of surgical treatment of lung cancer in the elderly .

  18. 马铃薯种薯芽龄(种薯萌芽时间)影响种薯的生理年龄。

    The physiological-age of the seed tuber are influenced by the bud-age of potato seed tuber ( the sprouting time of seed tuber ) .

  19. 拔节至抽穗期间,分蘖的衰亡量决定于分蘖的生理年龄和同化物供应状况。

    From jointing to heading , the assimilate supply factor and the physiological age of tillers were used to calculate the decrease of tillers .

  20. 影响叶片再生的主要因素有基因型、培养基、叶片发育阶段及生理年龄、暗培养等。

    The main factors affecting them include genotype , medium , the development stage and physiological age of leaves , dark incubation , et al .

  21. 低温与棉株生理年龄的协同作用对棉纤维加厚发育及纤维比强度的影响。

    At the normal temperature conditions , there were double effect of temperature and physiological age of cotton plant on fiber thickening development and fiber strength .

  22. 女人很注重男人的心理年龄,事实上,心理年龄的确比生理年龄更重要。

    The woman pays attention to the man 's mental age very much , in fact , mental age is really more important than physiological age .

  23. 在给出外观年龄的计算方法后,论证了年代年龄、外观年龄、生理年龄之间的相互关系,得到了预测零件尺寸变化量和零件寿命的方法。

    After the method about how to calculate the appearance age is given , the relationship among the calendar age , appearance age and physiological age is demonstrated .

  24. 影响这一受体系统的主要因素有基因型、外植体的来源、叶片发育阶段及生理年龄、培养条件以及抗生素等。

    The factors affecting adventitious bud regeneration from leaves include genotype , the source of explants , the development stage and physiological age of leaves , culture conditions and antibiotics ;

  25. 综合本研究和以往研究的结果得出:生理年龄大并同时伴随较高智力能有助于自闭症儿童理解他人的心理。

    The results of the present study combined with previous findings are discussed indicating that older age in combination with higher intelligence increase ability to pass the theory of mind tasks .

  26. 他们得出结论一个人的生理年龄并不与血管老化完全一致,所以不可以仅根据生理年龄评估心脏病风险。

    They concluded that chronological age and health of heart arteries ( arterial age ) are not the same and that you cannot assume someone 's risk is higher or lower based on age .

  27. 目的通过测定生理年龄和心理年龄,评价不同职业对人体老龄化过程的影响。

    Objectives The aging status of workers in different work categories was assessed with biological age ( BA ) that was divided into physiological age ( PhA ) and psychological age ( PsA ) .

  28. 当前世界许多国家都是以未成年人的生理年龄结合心理年龄作为其是否承当刑事责任的标准,着重考察未成年人的心智是否成熟,是否具有辨认和控制自己行为的能力。

    Now , many countries decide whether a minor should bear criminal responsibility based on their physiological age and mental age , and emphasize whether their mental are mature and have an ability to identify and control their behaviors .

  29. 番茄结构模型利用生理年龄、分枝级别等参数很容易提取植株的实例化结构,非常方便与辐射度方法进行接口。

    On the other hand , tomato model parameters like physiological age , branching order and so on can be used as a criterion of similarity , which was easy to build instanced objects and to connect with radiosity model .

  30. 目的研究大鼠视觉发育可塑性关键期视皮层Ⅱ-Ⅲ层神经元的电学特性变化及其与大鼠生理年龄及视觉经验的关系,探索视皮层经验依赖性可塑性的突触和细胞机制。

    Objective To study the electrophysiological properties of postsynaptic neurons from layer ⅱ - ⅲ in normal rat visual cortex during the critical period of visual plasticity and its relationship with age and visual experiences and to explore the synaptic and cellular mechanisms of experience-dependent plasticity in visual cortex .