
shì ɡù péi chánɡ
  • accident compensation
  1. 论医疗事故赔偿纠纷的法律适用

    Discuss the Appropriate Legal of the Dispute of Medical Accident Compensation

  2. 他力促各州实行事故赔偿制度。

    He urged the State to adopt accident compensation system .

  3. 首先对学生伤害事故赔偿制度提出立法完善的建议。

    First of all , proposed legislation to improve the proposal .

  4. 我国道路交通事故赔偿责任的主体

    Subject of Liabilities for Compensation in a Road Traffic Accident in China

  5. 论出租车营运中交通事故赔偿责任主体的认定

    On Confirming the Compensation Duty Subject in Traffic Accidents of Taxicab Operation

  6. 论机动车事故赔偿基金制度

    On the System of Compensation Fund for Motor Vehicle Accidents

  7. 交通事故赔偿责任主体认定探析

    On Confirming Subject Holding Liability for Damages in Traffic Accidents

  8. 医疗事故赔偿中的若干问题和方法

    Issues in the Compensation for Medical Accidents and Solutions

  9. 基于事故赔偿的电网监管机制分析

    Mechanism of Electricity Network Supervision Based on Accident Compensation

  10. 我国道路交通事故赔偿义务人认定问题研究

    Research on Identification Problems about Compensation Obligor in Road Traffic Accidents in China

  11. 学生伤害事故赔偿责任的归责原则适用过错责任。

    The compensation liability principle of such accidents should obey the fault principle .

  12. 学生伤害事故赔偿责任研究

    Study on the Compensation Liability of Student Injury Incidents

  13. 对我国工伤事故赔偿的研究

    Study on Compensation System of Occupational Injury in China

  14. 现行学生伤害事故赔偿责任制度存在四个方面的缺陷。

    There are four inadequacies in current liability system of students ' injury accident .

  15. 对学生体育伤害事故赔偿问题的思考

    Thinking about the Compensation of Student Sports Injuries

  16. 甬温线动车事故赔偿正在进行。

    Compensation underway for train crash victims .

  17. 论现行学生伤害事故赔偿责任制度之不足及完善

    On the Inadequacies of Current Liability System of Students ' Injury Accident and Its Improvement

  18. 并且对道路交通事故赔偿请求权的概念及类型作出一个详细的阐述。

    And a detailed description of the concepts and types of road traffic accident compensation claim .

  19. 医疗过失是医疗事故赔偿责任成立的一项关键要件。

    Breach of duty of care is a vital requirement for establishment of medical negligence liability .

  20. 希为法院更为公正高效妥善审理道路交通事故赔偿案件提供有益参考。

    Greek Court Justice efficiently and properly deal with road traffic accident compensation cases provide a useful reference .

  21. 高校学生伤害事故赔偿的原则应适用全部赔偿的原则。

    The compensation principle of university students ' damage accidents should apply for the principle of full compensation .

  22. 医疗事故赔偿纠纷与医疗服务合同纠纷案件的比较

    Comparison between Breach of Contract and Tort in Medical Dispute Several issues relating to compensation in medical accidents

  23. 本文在这一部分探讨了医疗事故赔偿的原则和法律适用。

    This article probes into the legal principles and the application of the compensation in medical treatment accidents .

  24. 雇主对雇员工伤事故赔偿责任制度建立的重要性于是随之凸现。

    The importance of establishing the system of the employer to compensate the employee for industrial injury is arisen now .

  25. 因此,当务之每应尽快确立雇主对雇员工伤事故赔偿责任制度,以应形势发展的需要。

    So it is urgent to establish the employer-to-employee indemnification system on industrial injury and suitable to the situational development .

  26. 公共责任保险赔偿限额每次事故赔偿额一百万新加坡元,事故次数不限。

    Public liability policy-limit of indemnity-one million dollars for each and eveiy accident claimed , with the number of accidents being unlimited .

  27. 正确理解和认定我国道路交通事故赔偿义务人具有非常重要理论和实践意义。

    It is very important for theory and practice to accurately understand and identify the compensation obligor in road traffic accidents in China .

  28. 因此,正确地认识与解决医疗事故赔偿纠纷法律适用中的矛盾,具有十分重要的意义。

    So it has important meaning to correctly recognize and solve the contradictions of legal appropriation in the dispute of medical accident compensation .

  29. 英国石油公司董事会也将签署一笔高达190亿英镑的账单,用于漏油事故赔偿及各种开销。

    The BP board is set to sign off accounts of up to19 bln pounds to cover compensation and costs arising from the spill .

  30. 第三种通过对前面问题的论述,阐述了从立法和实务中如何完善交通事故赔偿请求权的做法。

    The third through the discourse of the previous questions on the practice of legislation and practice how to improve the traffic accident compensation claim .