
  1. 一本可以查找权威性的事实论据的书。

    A book to which you can refer for authoritative facts .

  2. 在这一过程中,运用了较多的事实论据和数据资料,增强了文章的严谨性和说服力。

    In this process , the use of more factual arguments and data to enhance the article rigor and persuasiveness .

  3. 本文运用事实论据论述了信息技术的发展历史和它对社会运行方式的影响以及二者之间的辩证关系。

    This paper utilizes fact arguments , discussed developing history of IT and the influence of social run mode for IT , and dialectics relation between both .

  4. 在广泛的事实论据基础上,本文就不同性质的行政权力所表现出来的不同问题提出了针对性对策,从而为我国行政正义的实现提供路径支持。

    On the basis of extensive fact argument , this text puts forward the pertinence countermeasure on different problems as different administrative power shown . And it offers the route for realization of the administrative justice in our country .

  5. 你要保持冷静清醒,在任何辩论的问题上都去寻找事实做论据。

    Being cool , calm & collected allows you to bring any argument or debate back to " rock-solid facts " .

  6. 医疗卫生资源配置是卫生系统的基础,为卫生政策和卫生体制研究提供基础事实和论据。

    Health resource allocation is the basis of the health system , and which provide basic facts and arguments for the research on health policy and health systems .

  7. 有特别据有说服力的事实和经济论据说明应该考虑到性别问题。

    There are very compelling evidence and economic arguments to take into account gender issues .

  8. 他说,这些图像的设计是为了诉诸于情感,否认纯粹是事实的政府论据。

    He says the images are designed to appeal to emotion , rejecting government arguments that they are purely factual .

  9. 用什么样的事实可以作为论据?不少新闻评论学教科书对这个问题的界定与评论写作实践对不上号。

    Nowadays issue , many news commentary textbooks are inconsistent with the definition and the writing practice nowadays on this question .

  10. 从当事人的角度看,民事诉讼是一种诉讼证明行为,它以诉讼请求作为自己的论题,以事实和理由为论据,由已知的论据推导已知的论题就是诉讼证明行为。

    From the aspect of the party concerned , civil suit is a kind of action of lawsuit poof , which can take claim as a thesis , facts and reasons as argumentation .

  11. 然而这一决议的实际意义被法院的另一种观点削弱了。法院认为,赛拉俱乐部仅提出理由,说明其成员把所涉及的地区用作休闲目的,就可以确立自己受到了事实伤害这一论据。

    The practical importance of this decision , however , was diminished by the court 's holding that the Sierra Club could establish injury in fact to itself merely by alleging that some of its members used the area in question for recreational purposes .

  12. 对于事实问题裁量的干预,本文采取了合理性基准,即未有基于专断、任性、滥用裁量等情况,与事实认定相关的论据在一个正常理性人那里看来是可以接受的。

    For the intervention on the discretion of facts issues , this paper adopted rationality benchmarks .