
  • Go all the way;Break A Leg;Genkide yukôyo;genkide yukoyo
  1. 我只希望她一路走好,让她安息吧。

    Ionly hoped a her group walks , lets her rest .

  2. 亲爱的!一路走好!

    The dear one ! Go well all the way !

  3. 我祝你一路走好,拉罗查小姐。

    I bid you farewell , miss la roche .

  4. 玲,天堂的新娘,一路走好。

    Ling , all the way well .

  5. 并且,我们忠心地祝愿此次大赛能取得圆满成功,并祝福数码印刷在中国能一路走好,走远!

    We also give our best wishes to the success of Digital Print Award in China .

  6. 连道别都没有,在此我所能说的只有:一路走好。

    Without even a farewell , what I can say here is Wish you rest in peace .

  7. 您一路走好。您退房吗?请把房卡交给前台。

    Would ypu like to check out ? Please give your room key to the front desk .

  8. 一路走好,我亲爱的同胞。。。&愿幸存者坚强地从这悲剧恢复过来!

    Farewell , my dear compatriots * ── May all the survivors walk out of this tragedy stonger .

  9. 愿上帝保佑我们已逝去的同胞一路走好,我为你们祈祷。

    Hoping our compatriots who God blessed dies which elapses to a group walk . I prayed for you .

  10. 要走的,一路走好,后会有期;要留的,坚守信念,成功在望!

    To walk , all the way walk good , see you , To keep the faith , and viable !

  11. 如果你乐于学习所有这些课程,你将会从中得到宝贵的智慧启迪,引导你在人生旅途上一路走好。

    If you are open to all these lessons , it can impart to you valuable bits of wisdom that will guide you along your path of life .

  12. 轻易涌上心头的伪善让我稍觉不安,于是我设法找到了他,告诉他自己对他的去职感到遗憾,并祝愿他一路走好。

    Feeling slightly uneasy at the hypocrisy that comes so easily to me , I hunted him down and told him I was sorry to see him go and wished him the best of luck .

  13. 也许只有天上的繁星明白你的美丽,也许只有天的蒙胧,才能够诠释你爱的深邃,玲,天堂的新娘,一路走好。

    Perhaps the only heaven you understand the beauty of the stars , perhaps only days Blur , you will be able to interpret the profound love , - ling , the bride of heaven , all the way well .