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  1. 但是当我独自一人在半昏暗的溪谷里时

    But when I am alone in the half-light of the canyon

  2. 你们该弄个母女纹身,比如一人纹半个爱心。

    You should do mother-and-daughter tattoos , like - like , uh , two halves of a heart .

  3. 在遥远古希腊的大草原中,驰骋着一批半人半马的族群,这是一个生性凶猛的族群。

    In ancient Greece , a group of creatures who are half-human and half-monster lived in the grassland .

  4. 他的实验室发生的爆炸非但没有使他丧命,反而把他变成了沼泽怪,一种半人半植物的杂交生物体。

    Instead of killing him , the blast turned him into Swamp Thing - a half-plant , half-man hybrid .

  5. 斯旺希市40岁的警察局长拉斯•A•奥格伦接到学校打来的电话报警时,他正单独一人在相距半英里远的警察局总部。

    Swanzey police chief Larss A.Ogren , 40 , was alone at headquarters a half mile away when he received the call from the school .

  6. 但现如今还有一个地方的人半定期地吃生猪肉。

    There is one place where people eat raw pork semi-regularly and manage to live , though .

  7. 另有一人携带43型半自动步枪,一种半自动、弹夹供弹的武器。

    Another would have a Gew . 43 , which was an SLR ( self-loading rifle ) - a semi-automatic magazine-fed weapon .

  8. 然而他们的蜜月期十分短暂,爱德华发现贝拉怀孕,怀上一个“半人半吸血鬼”的婴儿后美丽的爱情故事又开始陷入一片灰暗。

    But their honeymoon period is short lived before they discover Bella is pregnant with a half human , half vampire baby .

  9. 如果射手们站成方阵形状,每一行两人间距半米,两行之间相距1.5米,并且一个射击阵列有20行(宽30米),那么平均每1米的宽度……

    If the archers are packed in rows , with two archers per meter and a row every meter and a half , and the archer battery is 20 rows ( 30 meters ) deep , then for every meter of width ...

  10. 他刚从枝头摘下一朵,一个半人半兽的怪物就从玫瑰丛中跳了出来。

    As soon as he pick one from the bush , a strange creature , half man and half beast sprang out of the bushes .

  11. 他表示,多数外界人士未能理解这点:她不仅是一个政治人物,而且在很多人心目中,也是一位“半人半神”式的人物,她将让他们摆脱当前政权的“罪恶”。

    Most outsiders have failed to understand , he says , that she is not only a political figure but also , in the minds of many , a " semi-goddess " who will save them from the " evils " of the regime .

  12. 一则古代的故事:今有三人焉,一人勇,一人勇怯半,一人怯。

    An ancient story : Three of this behavior , one bold , brave and scared one and a half years , a person becomes nervous .