
  1. 但过去四年金融界和产业界所发生的变化不久可能会初见成效。

    But the past four years of financial and corporate change may soon pay off .

  2. 第二任行政长官将由800名来自四个不同界别人士组成的选举委员会选出。

    For the second term , the chief executive will be elected by an election committee composed of800 members from four different sectors of the community .

  3. 手机广告必定会取代的不仅仅是因特网广告这个当前的热宠,也包括电视机、收音机、出版物和广告牌这四类商业界的传统广告支柱。

    It is destined , some say , to supplant not only internet advertising , the latest fad , but also television , radio , print and billboards , the four traditional pillars of the business .

  4. 如果说新闻记者是第四等级(新闻界之别称),那博客作者正成为第五等级。

    If journalists were the Fourth Estate , bloggers are becoming the Fifth Estate .

  5. 殿的法则乃是如此,殿在山顶上,四围的全界要称为至圣。这就是殿的法则。

    This is the law of the temple : All the surrounding area on top of the mountain will be most holy . Such is the law of the temple .

  6. 第四部分对学术界关于李续宾最后一战三河之战战败的不同认识进行探讨,并指出李续宾为人处事方式对其失败产生了重要影响。

    The forth part is the discussion for the different views for his defeat in the last San He battle among the academic fields . And the last part also points out his manners of getting along with people have big influence on him .

  7. 这是四年级二班吗?第四等级(新闻界的别称)

    Is this Class 2 , Grade 4 ?