
sì fēn bāo zǐ
  • Tetraspore;quartet
四分孢子[sì fēn bāo zǐ]
  1. 通过检查小孢子母细胞减数分裂染色体行为和四分孢子行为,分析了热激或低温诱导产生2n花粉的细胞遗传学机理。

    The cytogenetic mechanism of 2n pollen formation after heat-shock or low temperature treatment was determined on the basis of the behavior of meiotic chromosomes and sporads during microsporogenesis .

  2. 四分孢子四面体形,孢质分裂同时型;

    Arrangement of microspores is tetrahedral and cytokinesis is simultaneous type .

  3. 四分孢子的显著特征是细胞核和高尔基体呈活跃状态。

    The characteristics of tetrad was that the nucleus and Golgi bodies being in the active state .

  4. 但是减数分裂过程能够完成,并且四分孢子的败育率较低。

    But even so , meiosis can still carry out from start to finish , and the frequency of abortive tetraspores was low .

  5. 四分孢子体卡拉胶的粘度在秋、冬季较高,雌配子体的粘度无季节变化。

    The carrageenans derived from tetrasporic plants showed the marked seasonal variation in viscosity , which appeared to be high in autumn and winter .

  6. [2]孢子母细胞减数分裂形成四分孢子,进入四分体时期。

    And the protoplasts fused and intrude among the sporocytes . [ 2 ] The sporocytes form tetraspores by meiosis and enter the tetrad phase .

  7. 结果表明:不育系和保持系都能正常进行减数分裂,绒毡层细胞无明显差异,形成了正常的四分孢子。

    The results showed that microsporogenesis could process normally and there was no difference in the tapetal cell between 8A and 8B lines before tetrad stage .

  8. [5]孢子周壁在真蕨目植物中普遍存在,它是在四分孢子分离后,逐层沿离心方向在外壁表面形成的,周壁来源于绒毡层细胞或孢子囊壁细胞。

    It is formed on the surface of exospore in centrifugal direction after the separation of tetraspores . It is derived from the tapetal cells and sporangial wall cells .

  9. 四分孢子间的横壁存在胼胝质.功能大孢子缺少胼胝质,退化的大孢子细胞壁积累大量胼胝质.4.大孢子母细胞减数分裂期间,侧壁一直缺少胼胝质。

    Callose appeared in the newly formed transverse walls seperating the tetrad cells , was absent in the cell wall of the fuctional megaspore , and was abundant in that of the degenerated megaspores . ( 4 ) There was no callose in the side walls of megasporocyte during meiosis .

  10. 孢原细胞平周分裂形成一个周缘细胞和一个造孢细胞,造孢细胞直接发育成大孢子母细胞,四分体大孢子呈线形排列,它们均可成为功能大孢子;

    The sporogenous cell functioned directly as megaspore mother cell . The tetrad of megaspores was linear in arrangement , and every megaspore might be functional .

  11. 细胞质分裂之后,每个四分体外被透明的细胞膜,四分孢子之间有孢子套膜将其分离。

    After cytokinesis , each of the tetraspores was enveloped with a transparent plasmolemma and covered by coat membranes which separate the tetraspore from each other .