
  • tetrahedral hybridization
  1. 在我国,杨树(populus)的栽植遍及全国各地,是我国用材林、防护林和四旁绿化林的主要树种。

    In our country , poplar ( populus ) of planting throughout the country , is timber , shelterbelts and afforestation major forest tree species .

  2. 核桃属胡桃科(Juglandaceae)核桃属(Juglans)植物,是我国栽培较为广泛以果仁为主要产品的树种之一,也是经济、用材和四旁绿化的多用途重要树种。

    Walnut is the most widespread tree in genus walnut ( Juglans ) of walnut family ( Juglandaceas ) . It is a kind of woody and grain plant which mainly produces kernels and itis also an important plant for economics , commercial timber and greening .

  3. 中山市四旁绿化调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Turning the Four sides Green in Zhongshan City

  4. 四旁绿化树伐木技术要领

    Cutting techniques for greening trees

  5. 以典型三阶抽样和一阶抽样方法,建立调查样本,对中山市乡镇和自然村四旁绿化进行抽样调查。

    Survey samples are set up by using typical methods of3-rank and1-rank sampling to survey the turning the " four sides " green of townships and villages in Zhongshan City .

  6. 针对赣南新农村建设的实际,提出了新农村建设四旁绿化及苗木产业化树种选择的原则与方法。

    According to the practice of new countryside construction in the south of Jiangxi , the principles and methods of selecting species to afforest " four sides " and to develop industrialization are put forward .