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  1. 规模更小的中国初创公司一加科技(OnePlus)把中国和海外的销售看得同样重要。去年12月,一加科技开始销售其旗舰手机一加手机(Onephone),目前为止已经卖出20万部。

    The smaller Chinese start-up OnePlus , which puts equal emphasis on selling in China and abroad , began selling its flagship One phone in December , and has sold 200000 phones already .

  2. Micromax与一加科技因与Cyanogen的合同而产生了纠纷,Cyanogen公司是谷歌开发的安卓平台上一个很受欢迎的手机操作系统的开发者。Micromax在该纠纷案中一度获得胜利,法庭对一加科技发出了禁售令。

    Micromax briefly won a sales injunction against OnePlus over a contract with the company Cyanogen , the creator of a popular operating system for phones that run Android by Google .

  3. 但押注一加科技不会昙花一现,需要你花费300美元。

    But betting on OnePlus 's survival is a $ 300 gamble .

  4. 不过,一加科技在中国的手机制造商中仍然是与众不同的,因为它相信自己的市场远远超出国内的范围。

    But OnePlus is unusual among Chinese phone makers in that it believes its market extends far beyond its home country .

  5. 如果一加科技能够在竞争十分残酷的智能手机产业顺利前进,它可能会让我们窥见一幅美好的未来图景:到处都是出色、便宜的手机。

    If OnePlus can navigate the perils of the cutthroat smartphone business , it may be giving us a peek of the glorious future of great , cheap phones .

  6. 一加科技成立于2013年底,创始人刘作虎是中国科技行业的资深人士,一心想要制作一款大众市场的高端智能手机。

    OnePlus was founded late in 2013 by Pete Lau , a veteran of the Chinese tech business who was taken with the idea of creating a high-end smartphone for the masses .

  7. 本月,总部设在中国深圳的初创公司一加科技(OnePlus)将开始接受一加手机的预购订单,这是一款梦幻般的低价手机,全球各地的科技爱好者已经垂涎数月之久。

    This month , OnePlus , a start-up based in Shenzhen , China , will begin taking pre-orders for the One , a fantastic low-price phone that tech enthusiasts across the globe have been lusting after for months .

  8. 通过以低廉的价格出售一款出色的手机,一加科技有可能挣得利润,成为智能手机的下一个全球大品牌。

    It 's possible that by selling a great phone at a great price , OnePlus could stumble into profits , and become the next big global smartphone brand .