
shì shí qīnɡ chu
  • facts are clear;facts are clarified
  1. 证据确凿,事实清楚。

    The evidence is certain and the facts are clear .

  2. 公诉机关指控的犯罪事实清楚,证据充分,罪名成立。

    Prosecutor accused of criminal facts are clear and sufficient evidence , convicted .

  3. 在这样的前提下,条约的文本便成为并非事实清楚明白的观点(theplain-factview).这就需要借助于解释来深化文本的含义,拓宽其适用的领域。

    In this context , treaty text has become " the plain-fact view " . It requires the help of explanation to deep the meaning of the text and broadens its field of application .

  4. 基于上述思考,我国刑事证明标准可以表述为:依法确信无疑地认为犯罪事实清楚、证据确实充分。这样表述涵盖了刑事证明标准的法律属性、主观属性和客观属性。

    The result of criminal proof has objectivity , subjectivity and legal attributes .

  5. 现行犯案件本身事实清楚,证据也不存在疑问。

    The fact of the case of active criminals is clear and there is no doubt about the evidence .

  6. 刑事裁判证明的标准为裁判者具体裁判案件提供主客观的衡量准则,以证据属性为基础,以案件事实清楚为客观依据。

    Prove standards should take the evidence property as their basis and clear case facts as their objective foundation .

  7. 随着我完成各种各样的工作流,以及所需的成果和工作产品,有两个事实清楚的表示出来

    As we worked through the various workflows , and the needed outcomes and work products , two facts became clear

  8. 新华社指出,二被告人犯罪事实清楚,证据确实、充分。

    The facts of the two defendants ' crime are clear , and the evidence is irrefutable and substantial , Xinhua said .

  9. 要保证道路交通事故案件事实清楚,证据确凿,就要提高交通事故证据调查的有效性。

    To ensure explicit facts and authentic evi - dences of traffic accidents , improving the effectiveness of traffic accident evidence inquisition is a must .

  10. 第五十九条人民法院对上诉案件,认为事实清楚的,可以实行书面审理。

    Article 59 A people 's court may handle an appealed case by examining the court records , if it considers the facts clearly ascertained .

  11. 侦查机关的讯问需要事实清楚、证据确凿,但也离不开模糊概念和模糊语言。

    The ask of the investigative organizations need the clear fact , the definite proof , but also uses the misty concepts and misty languages .

  12. 这些事实清楚地表明,学生已对旧政权失去希望,正转向新政权寻找出路。

    For they clearly reveal that the students had lost hope in the old regime and were seeking a way out in the new one .

  13. 我国刑事案件的证明标准为事实清楚,证据确实、充分。

    At the present , the standard of proof in criminal cases is " the facts is clear , the evidences are sufficient " in China .

  14. 查处规划土地违法案件,应当事实清楚,证据确凿,量罚准确,符合程序。

    To investigate and prosecute the case of illegal planning land shall be based on clarified facts , conclusive evidence , appropriate sentencing and lawful proceeding .

  15. 针对长期以来,我国刑、民事诉讼中均坚持事实清楚,证据确实充分同一的证明标准。

    In a long period , the same standard of " clear facts , unquestionable and sufficient evidences " is persevered in the criminal and civil lawsuits .

  16. 我国刑事诉讼法把公诉证明标准定为案件事实清楚,证据确实充分。

    That the fact of the crime is distinct and evidence is reliable and ample is the proving to it in the academic circles of the Criminal Procedure Law .

  17. 因为检察机关具有主动性,并且检察机关在举证能力上占有优势,这样可以防止检察机关滥用民事公诉权。同时,应将事实清楚,证据确实充分规定为证明标准。

    I think that the procuratorial organ should bear the burden of proof , because the procuratorial organ has initiatives and occupies the advantage in ability to put the proof .

  18. 交通肇事罪在犯罪事实清楚,结合案件情况,可以从宽处理,做不批准逮捕或者不提起公诉的决定。

    Traffic crime in the criminal facts are clear , and the circumstances of the case can be leniency , do not approve the arrest or the public prosecution decision .

  19. (一)原判决认定事实清楚,适用法律、法规正确的,判决驳回上诉,维持原判;

    If the facts are clearly ascertained and the law and regulations are correctly applied in the original judgment , the appeal shall be rejected and the original judgment sustained ;

  20. (二)原判决认定事实清楚,但是适用法律、法规错误的,依法改判;

    If the facts are clearly ascertained but the law and regulations are incorrectly applied in the original judgment , the judgment shall be amended according to the law and regulations ;

  21. 1979年的我国刑事诉讼法明确规定了案件事实清楚,证据确实、充分的证明标准。

    In 1979 , the criminal procedure act in PRC regulated the criminal proof standard of " the facts of a case are clear , the evidence is reliable and sufficient " .

  22. 案件事实清楚,证据确实、充分,依据法律认定被告人有罪的,应当作出有罪判决;

    If the facts of a case are clear , the evidence is reliable and sufficient , and the defendant is found guilty in accordance with law , he shall be pronounced guilty accordingly ;

  23. 然而,有记录以来的最热年度是2014年、2010年和2005年的这个事实清楚地表明,全球变暖并没有‘在1998年停止’,像一些人喜欢错误地宣称那样。

    However , the fact that the warmest years on record are 2014 , 2010 and 2005 clearly indicates that global warming has not ' stopped in 1998 ,' as some like to falsely claim .

  24. 笔者主张一些事实清楚、证据确凿的轻微刑事案件通过刑事和解的途径解决,以期更好的修补刑事被害人的物质和精神损伤。

    The author advocates that the minor criminal cases with the clear fact and evidence can be settled down through the reconciliation approach in order to repair the material and spiritual damage of the criminal victim .

  25. 我国刑事证明以事实清楚,证据确实充分为标准,具有广泛的适用性、绝对性和单一性、诉讼证明的客观性等特点。

    That " facts are unquestionable and proofs are reliable and sufficient " is the standard of China s criminal proof which has the characteristics of wide application , absoluteness , uniqueness and objectiveness of litigation proof .

  26. 如果法律的适用所涉及到的案件事实清楚,同时法律的语义也足够明晰,那么法官可径直运用三段论的演绎推理,作出法律共同体可接受的法律判决。

    If the law applicable in cases involving the facts are clear and the legal sense enough to go , the judge using the direct reason , the legal community to accept the law of the sentence .

  27. 人民法院审理民事案件,根据当事人自愿的原则,在事实清楚的基础上,分清是非,进行调解。

    Where a civil case it has accepted can be mediated , the people 's court shall resolve it through mediation on the basis of litigants ' voluntary participation and by ascertaining the facts and distinguishing right from wrong .

  28. 事实清楚地告诉我们,随着科学技术和工业的日新月异,新型难加工材料和特殊应用技术的不断涌现,人们对材料性能也随之提出这样或那样的要求。

    The fact tell us that various requirement has been raised for property of material with the changing of science tech. day by day and continuously springing up of the new materials difficult to machine and the special application technology .

  29. 但对于犯罪情节严重,犯罪性质恶劣的案件,事实清楚、证据确实、充分的案件以及受害人不同意交易的案件不宜或不得适用。

    But for serious crime , criminal nature of bad cases , the facts are clear , the evidence is reliable and sufficient trading cases and the cases do not agree with the victim should not be or shall not apply .

  30. 刑事简易程序是指司法机关在办案时,在被告人自愿认罪或案件事实清楚的基础上,对诉讼环节、步骤等作出程度不同的省略或简化的一类审判程序。

    The criminal summary procedure is to handle cases in judicial organs , based on the case facts clearly or the defendant confess voluntarily simple procedure , to make a different degree and steps of the simplified or omission of trial procedure .