
  • 网络floating party members
  1. 流动党员是党员队伍中的一个特殊群体。

    Floating Party members are a special group in the Party .

  2. 浅议如何建立高校毕业生流动党员教育管理长效机制

    Establishment of a long-term education and management mechanism for floating Party members in university graduates

  3. 高校毕业生准流动党员教育管理服务的难点和对策

    Management of Quasi-mobile Party Members among Graduates : Difficulties and Countermeasures

  4. 高职高专毕业生流动党员教育管理浅探

    Education and Management of Floating Party Members in Vocational College Graduates

  5. 关于高校学生流动党员的几点认识和思考

    The Management of Floating Student-party-members in the Colleges and Universities

  6. 保持流动党员先进性的五个途径

    Five Approaches of Keeping Floating Party Member s ' Advancement

  7. 加强高校流动党员教育管理的探索

    Exploration into the Strengthening the Educational Management of College Mobile Party Members

  8. 采取激励措施,唤起流动党员保持先进性的内在动力。这样才能保持流动党员这个特殊群体的先进性。

    Take incentive measures to arouse their inherent power to keep advanced .

  9. 利用互联网络加强流动党员的管理

    Strengthen The Management Of Moving Party Members By Making Use Of Internet

  10. 试论社区流动党员的管理

    Management of Mobile Party Member in the Community

  11. 改进对流动党员的教育、管理、服务。

    We should improve education and management of Party members among the floating population and provide better services for them .

  12. 如何加强高校流动党员的教育管理已成为当前亟待解决的问题。

    How to reinforce the educational management of college mobile Party members has become an urgent problem that demands immediate solution .

  13. 作为人口第一大省的河南,每年都流入、流出相当数量的流动党员。

    With the largest population in the nation , Henan witnesses a great number of CCP members in pouring and outpouring .

  14. 随着流动党员数量的迅猛增加,构建党员动态管理机制已经成为党建工作的当务之急。

    With the increase of floating CPC members , it becomes urgently necessary for the CPC to set up dynamic management mechanism .

  15. 认真分析高校流动党员的特点与现状,有助于提高对高校流动党员管理的自觉性。

    This paper discusses the characteristics and actuality in colleges and universities in order to heighten the consciousness of the mobile Party Members .

  16. 新形势下流动党员存在着管理不利、党性观念淡漠、党费交纳等问题,需要提高认识,完善制度。

    In the new period , there are many problems in moving Party members management , such as inadequate management , shallow conception of Party , difficult collection of Party fees and so on .

  17. 然后分析了合肥市人事代理工作存在的观念陈旧、服务内容单一、高端人才需求不能得到满足、流动党员管理规范化经验不够等问题。

    Then analyzes the work of the existing personnel agency , Hefei , old ideas , services a single , high-end talent needs are not met , the mobile experience is not enough party members and management standardization and other issues .

  18. 针对这个新问题,应当采取建立高校毕业生流动党员管理教育机制、建立社区党支部、实行《流动党员活动证》、创建网络党建等对策措施。

    As far as the new problems are concerned , we should establish management and education mechanism for graduate floating Party members from university , set up community Party branches , implement certificate of floating Party members , found network Party construction and carry out other countermeasures .

  19. 构建流动学生党员管理网络;创新流动学生党员管理方法。

    Establishing the management network of mobile students as party members and innovate the management methods of mobile students as party members .

  20. 针对高校流动学生党员教育管理的突出问题及其产生原因,可采取如下对策:建立流动学生党员管理制度;

    This paper analyses the outstanding problems in the education management of the mobile college students and their causes and puts forward the following countermeasures : building the management system of mobile students as party members ;