
  • 网络cadre work
  1. 关于干部工作中几个问题的辨证思考

    Dialectic reflections on sone problems concerning cadre work

  2. 论高校老干部工作的系统化

    A pursuit of systematization in veteran cadre work

  3. 领导班子和领导干部工作绩效社会化评价体系研究&以内蒙古盟市厅局领导班子和领导干部实绩考核为例

    Socialized Appraisal System for the Leading Groups and Leaders Performance Evaluation

  4. 医院离退休干部工作人员队伍建设研究

    Building of Personnel Serving for the Retired Veteran Cadres in Hospital

  5. 关于做好培养、选拔、使用党外干部工作的思考

    Reflections on Training , Selecting and Placing Cadres Outside the CPC

  6. 我们要建立经常的干部工作。

    We should establish a system for handling matters concerning cadres .

  7. 做好高校老干部工作思路和途径

    Reflections and means for veteran cadres in colleges and universities

  8. 高校学生干部工作中几个问题分析

    An Analysis to the Problems in Conducting College Student Leaders ' Work

  9. 改进领导干部工作作风重在抓落实

    Improving the Work Style of Leading Cadres Mainly Is to Grasp Practice

  10. 对新时期培养和选拔干部工作的几点思考

    Considerations about training and choosing cadres during the new period

  11. 干部工作的另外一个问题,就是干部交流问题。

    Another question concerning cadres is the exchange of cadres .

  12. 关于完善高校培养选拔党外干部工作机制的思考

    Reflections on the Operation Mechanism Perfection of Non-Party-Member-Cadres ' Selection and Cultivation

  13. 论构建新时期老干部工作的和谐局面

    On Construction of Harmonious Situation of Veteran Cadres Work in New Period

  14. 论新形势下如何做好老干部工作

    Discus How to Enlighten the old cadre 's Thought under the New Circumstance

  15. 医院管理干部工作满意度调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Job Satisfaction of Hospital Managers

  16. 继续做好离退休干部工作。

    We should continue to do well the work related to retired cadres .

  17. 抓好学生干部工作构建和谐校园

    On the work of student leaders for harmonious campus

  18. 如何做好新时期高校老干部工作

    The Approach to Accomplish the Work on Old Cadres in the New Period

  19. 做好新形势下离退休干部工作之管见

    The view of carrying out the work of retired veteran cadres in New Situation

  20. 高校推行竞争上岗选拔任用干部工作的思考

    A consideration of cadres ' promotion and recruitment by competition at colleges and universities

  21. 提高素质增强能力切实加强老干部工作队伍自身建设

    To improve Qualifications And Abilities Strengthening the Self-construction of the body of Veteran Cadres

  22. 关于改进公开选拔高校领导干部工作的探讨

    Exploration of Public Selection for University Leaders

  23. 社会主义革命和建设时期党的干部工作的历史考察

    A Historical Investigation of the Party 's Cadre Work During the Socialist Revolution and Construction Period

  24. 浅谈高校离退休干部工作的着力点

    A Brief Talk on the Focus of Attention in the Work for Retired Cadres in Higher Institutes

  25. 本文论述了做好高校离退休干部工作对促进学校的发展极为重要

    This paper discussed the importance of doing the work of retire cadre well in universities and colleges

  26. 党政干部工作绩效考评与激励研究

    A Study of How to Assess and Stimulate the Work Achievements Made by the Party and Government Officials

  27. 论高校离退休干部工作与和谐校园的构建

    The Relation Between Fulfilling all the Jobs Concerning the Retired Leaders of Universities and Constructing a Harmonious Campus

  28. 更新观念,迎接挑战&论高校学生会干部工作新思路

    Renew the Idea and Face the Challenge Talking about the New Way of Student Association Work in University

  29. 本研究旨在系统探讨党政领导干部工作绩效的结构。

    This research was aimed at exploring the structure of job performance of Chinese local party and government executives .

  30. 研究表明:高校体育中层管理干部工作&家庭冲突对其工作倦怠有较强的预测作用。

    The result indicated that the construction project managers work-family conflict have the strong forecast function to its job-burnout .