
ɡān xǐ diàn
  • cleaner;dry-cleaner's
  1. 你能帮我从干洗店取回我的套装吗?

    Can you pick up my suit from the cleaner 's ?

  2. 他拥有一家干洗店。

    He owns a dry-cleaning business .

  3. 放学以后,我接了尼克和特德,然后又去了干洗店和杂货店。

    After school , I had picked up Nick and Ted and made the rounds of the dry cleaner and the grocery store

  4. 他们不是走几个街区去接孩子或去干洗店,而是派了一辆自驾小客车。

    Instead of walking a few blocks to pick up a child or the dry cleaning , they send the self-driving minibus .

  5. 加州莫妮卡(SantaMonica)Brown'sCleaners干洗店的洛伊丝・冯・摩根罗斯(LoisVonMorganroth)警告说:“不要喷防皱剂,也不要蒸汽熨烫。”

    No de-wrinkle spray and no steam , ' warned Lois Von Morganroth of Brown 's Cleaners in Santa Monica , Calif.

  6. cleaner:[常作复数]干洗店Howard我们去同一家洗衣店已经19年了,exactly:精确地,恰好地always:一直,总是你的衬衣和以往没有任何区别。

    Anne : Howard , we 've been going to the same cleaners for 19 years . your shirts are exactly how they always are .

  7. 比如,当你走进一个社区,当地酒吧、干洗店和麦当劳(McDonald's)发布的推广消息就会突然闪现在你的Twitter信息流之中。

    You walk into a neighborhood , for instance , and suddenly Promoted Tweets for the local watering hole , dry cleaner , and McDonald 's ( MCD ) pop up in your Twitter stream .

  8. 酒店REITs及其对我国酒店业的启示20世纪60年代以来,企业家在银行、书店、干洗店和酒类商店都设有这种服务窗口。

    Hotel REITs and Its Enlightenment to the Hotel Industry of China ; Since the 1960s entrepreneurs have installed them in banks , bookstores , dry cleaners , and liquor stores .

  9. Chanos在密尔沃基长大,是干洗店连锁业主的三个儿子之一。

    Mr. Chanos grew up in Milwaukee , one of three sons born to the owners of a chain of dry cleaners .

  10. 在兰州市随机抽取24家干洗店,现场采样,用气相色谱法测定四氯乙烯的室内空气浓度,计算时间加权平均浓度(TWA),以估算个体暴露量;

    TCE time-weighed average ( TWA ) concentration of sample air , from 24 dry-cleaning shops taken randomly in Lanzhou , were measured with gas chromatography to estimate exposure levels , analyze risk characterization and calculate acceptable indoor TWA concentration of TCE .

  11. 我要把这些衬衣送到干洗店去。

    I need to take the shirts to the dry cleaners .

  12. 你就不知道把它送干洗店?

    Why didn 't you send it out to be drycleaned ?

  13. 干洗店和卷发器不会让我们没眼光。

    Dry cleaners and hair cutters don 't rob us blind .

  14. 我打算把那些沙滩用品放到干洗店去。

    I was going to throw my beach stuff in the laundry .

  15. 青岛市干洗店微生物污染调查

    Survey of microbial contamination of laundering shops in Qingdao City

  16. 也许她是几天前去的干洗店呢?

    Maybe she picked up the dry cleaning days ago .

  17. 送去干洗店,问题解决了;

    Take them to a dry cleaner . Problem solved .

  18. 我们去干洗店取的。

    We just had to pick them up from the dry cleaner .

  19. 我跟着她到了干洗店。

    And I followed her to the dry cleaner .

  20. 你从马尼拉一个干洗店开始。

    You started with a dry-cleaning store in manila .

  21. 干洗店很昂贵,但他的工作做得很好。

    The dry cleaner is expensive , but he does a good job .

  22. 你在你父亲的干洗店工作?

    You work at your dad 's dry cleaner ?

  23. 送去干洗店,问题解决了;想和朋友保持联系?

    Problem solved . Want to find & stay in touch with friends ?

  24. 不知道干洗店多久前得到的拆迁通知?

    I don 't know how much advanced notice the dry cleaner got .

  25. 金牛座:忘了把丝制床单拿去干洗店清洗。

    Taurus forgot to pick up their silk sheets at the dry cleaner .

  26. 我可不是因为我爸妈开干洗店才这么说

    And that 's not just because my parents own a dry cleaners .

  27. 没有,他应该去干洗店洗衣服的

    No. He was just supposed to pick up in the dry clean .

  28. 只能告诉你干洗店都不做我的生意了。

    Let 's just say the dry cleaner was not my business any more .

  29. 有的干洗店碰到白色衣物,干脆不接活。

    Some dry cleaners met white clothing , simply not pick up to live .

  30. 我已经去过银行、邮局、干洗店

    I 've already been to the bank , post office and dry cleaners .