
yùn tànɡ
  • ironing;iron and press
  1. 她没有预先看看自己是否有熨烫好的干净衬衫。

    She hadn 't checked whether she had a clean ironed shirt

  2. 为防止掉色,织物已经过熨烫。

    The fabric was ironed to make the colours fast .

  3. 使用织物柔顺剂会使衣服打理、熨烫起来更为容易。

    Using a fabric conditioner will make clothes easier to handle and iron .

  4. 特别是夏季服装和套装,主要都是棉质的,随时可以在家里洗涤和熨烫。

    Summer dresses and outfits , in particular , were chiefly cotton , readily capable of being washed and pressed at home .

  5. 他熨烫衣服做得飞快

    He 's getting through the ironing at a rate of knots .

  6. 加州莫妮卡(SantaMonica)Brown'sCleaners干洗店的洛伊丝・冯・摩根罗斯(LoisVonMorganroth)警告说:“不要喷防皱剂,也不要蒸汽熨烫。”

    No de-wrinkle spray and no steam , ' warned Lois Von Morganroth of Brown 's Cleaners in Santa Monica , Calif.

  7. 与LAD(水洗-晾干)作用相结合,使用本产品可以使最终用户不再需要热处理(例如熨烫)

    The application of product combinations with LAD ( Laundry Air Dry ) effect makes it possible to do without a thermal aftertreatment ( e.g.ironing ) by the end user .

  8. 洗涤、熨烫50次,再作用10min,对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌率仅由洗涤前99-9%降至96-2%。

    The bacteriostatic rate of S. aureus exposed to the cloth treated by washing and ironing 50 times for 10 min decreased from 99.9 % before washing to 96.2 % .

  9. Stephanie补充说道:无褶皱的衬衣会让人看起来十分聪明和专业,但熨烫的确是耗时费力的工作方便熨烫的全棉衬衣似乎更受大家的欢迎。

    Stephanie Thiers-Ratcliffe added : ' A crease free shirt is crucial to looking smart and professional , but ironing can be a laborious task - making easy iron 100 per cent cotton items increasingly popular . '

  10. 这种Swash产品是洗衣机和熨斗一体机,可对衣服进行清新和去除异味,并且按下按钮后还能熨烫——所需要的时间相当于洗一次澡。

    The Swash is a washing machine and iron inone that refreshes clothes , removes odours and flattens out wrinkles at thepress of a button - and does so all in the time it takes to have a shower .

  11. 用溶胶A整理,在170℃焙烘3min得到的织物,其皂洗牢度、湿熨烫牢度和湿摩擦牢度都有明显的提高,但干摩擦牢度有所下降。

    It is noted that the soaping , wet ironing , and wet crocking fastness have been improved to various extent . Best result is obtained by Sol A , but its wet crocking fastness goes down a little bit .

  12. 篮子洗涤(衣裤)洗净后不熨烫。

    Basket wash ( underwear ), no ironing will be done .

  13. 她每天晚上都把自己的衣服熨烫平整。

    She makes her clothes smooth with an iron every evening .

  14. 毛皮熨烫机熨烫辊温度场的研究

    Thermal Field Study of the Ironing Roll in Fur Ironing Machine

  15. 如果衣物比较僵硬,用电熨斗的蒸汽熨烫。

    Apply steam using an iron if the garment is stiff .

  16. 以及包装,熨烫,车缝,裁床。

    As well as packaging , ironing , sewing , cutting .

  17. 我喜欢在衬衫尚潮湿时熨烫

    I prefer to iron my shirt while they be still damp

  18. 饭店每个客房都备有熨裤子的电熨烫机。

    Every room in the hotel has an electric trouser press .

  19. 烫凳:用于熨烫和塑造弯曲部位。

    Tailor 's ham : used for pressing and molding curved areas .

  20. 熨烫时不可直接压烫,应用蒸汽喷烫。

    Do not iron directly on the clothes , use steam iron .

  21. ☆可调熨烫压力控制,适合于不同布草。

    Easily control the press of the Smooth and fits different clothes .

  22. 熨烫时,可适量喷湿,易于烫平。

    Spray it a little wet may help ironing out the wrinkles .

  23. 在服装批量定制中熨烫是保证服装造型和尺寸稳定、也是服装加工的最后一道较重要的工序。

    The pressing process is very important in apparel manufacture .

  24. 我喜欢在衬衫尚潮湿时熨烫。

    I prefer to iron my shirts while they are still damp .

  25. 她花了一早上来洗涤和熨烫这些衣服。

    She had spent the morning in washing and ironing these garments .

  26. 波希米亚平纹枕芯布台布很快就熨烫平整了。

    Bohemian ticking The tablecloth was soon smoothed over with an iron .

  27. 一旦把它清洗和熨烫一下,它就会变得像新的一样。

    Once it 's washed and ironed it 'll be like new .

  28. 用水布覆盖涤纶面料,熨烫。

    Cover the polyester fabric with a pressing cloth and iron it .

  29. 甚至还有时间去熨烫裤子。

    Even had time to get the pants taken in .

  30. 她每天穿着熨烫整齐的衣服去上班。

    She wears ironed clothes to work every day .
