
  1. 预计电信业更多的“干部交流”还将出现。

    Expect more telecoms sector " cadre exchanges " to come .

  2. 当前高校干部交流的问题及对策探讨

    Inquiry on Problems and Countermeasures Resulting from Universities ' Cadre Interchange

  3. 军队干部交流分配模型研究

    Research on Model of Post Exchange and Distribution of Military Officers

  4. 就实践操作层面而言,改革开放以来,干部交流工作不断取得新的进展,为党和国家提供了大量优秀的领导人才。

    Since the reform and opening-up , new progress was achieved in cadre exchange and it has provided immense amounts of excellent leaders .

  5. 干部交流不是由下面提出什么比例、数字,而是根据需要。

    As many cadres as necessary will be involved & the ratio or number is not to be proposed by departments at lower levels .

  6. 八十年代以来,经过几个阶段的酝酿与试行,党政领导干部交流的基本制度已逐步成型,并日趋完善。

    After several stages of gestation , the exchange of Party and Government leading cadres , the basic system has been gradually forming , and the increasingly improved .

  7. 第一,省级党政领导干部交流制度的核心问题是人事任命权的归属,它决定了制度在现实中究竟是如何被执行的。

    At the first place , appointment of the right to ownership in the exchange system reform is the core issue of the provincial party and government leading cadres .

  8. 如果有了山头,一定要去掉,要把山头平一平,把干部交流一下,不要挤到一堆。

    Wherever a " mountain stronghold " exists , we must get rid of it & demolish it by transferring the cadres involved so that they don 't gather in one place .

  9. 当晚,第二届和第三届的主席特意抽空回来与新一届的干部交流,分享了他们的大公司的工作经验,和与微软俱乐部的成长历程。

    That night , the second and third presider came back specially to communicate with the new leaders and share their work experience about working in big companys and the grown courses with MSC .

  10. 灵活解决乡镇编制紧张的问题,合理解决乡镇干部交流困难的问题,着力解决出口不畅的问题。

    The preparation of flexibility to solve the problem of the shortage of township and reasonable solution to the problem of township cadres and communication difficulties , efforts to solve the problem of export poor .

  11. 第二,省级党政领导干部交流制度的实践结果虽然显示出一些进步,但是这些进步不完全归功于制度改革本身的原因,还要看到社会领域和经济领域的变革所起到的推动作用。

    Secondly , although the results is some progressive , which are not entirely attributable to the reasons for reform of the system itself , the social sphere and economic fields play a role in promoting the transformation of the .

  12. 体制外各精英对村子发展等事宜缺少关注,也不愿意和现任村干部进行交流。

    Outside the system of the elite village matters such as the lack of attention to the development , but also unwilling to communicate incumbent village cadres .

  13. 省委管理的干部的交流,由省委组织部提出意见,经过省委批准。

    The organization departments of provincial Party committees are also to submit to their respective committees for approval its suggestions on cadres under the charge of the provincial Party committees for exchange .

  14. 积极推行领导干部经济责任审计及干部交流轮岗制6.加大党风政纪的惩戒力度。

    Actively carrying out the economic responsibility auditing for leaders and leaders ' rotation of their posts ; ( 5 ) reinforcing the punishment according to the party style and discipline .

  15. 干部工作的另外一个问题,就是干部交流问题。

    Another question concerning cadres is the exchange of cadres .

  16. 结果:基层妇女干部生殖健康基础知识平均合格率为92.6%,妇女自愿与妇女干部倾诉性生活问题达73.6%,妇女干部乐意与妇女交流性问题占96.3%。

    Result : the average qualified rate of basic knowledge of reproductive health was 92.6 % , 73.6 % women volunteered to say sex problems to women cadres . 96.3 % women cadres were willing to communicate with women about sex problems .