
  • 网络biosystematics
  1. 染色体分带技术及其在植物物种生物学中的应用

    Banding techniques of chromosomes and its application in plant biosystematics

  2. 植物物种生物学的进展及我们的对策

    Plant biosystematics : international developments and our response

  3. 长期育种研究应以物种生物学、群体遗传学和居群生态学等为理论基础。

    Abundent biodiversity in natural forest land is the basic for long term breeding .

  4. 物种生物学的过去和现在

    Biosystematics , then and now

  5. 是欧洲近年来驯化成功的新食用菌种类,应用光学和电子显微镜对野蘑菇的担孢子、担孢子的萌发过程和单孢菌丝的细胞学特征进行了观察研究,为其物种生物学研究积累资料。

    Characteristics of basidiospore , its germination , and single cell hyphal cytology were observed and studied using optical and electronic microscopes to accumulate its biological knowledge .

  6. 植被格局是指植物在生活空间中的位置和布局状况,是物种生物学特性和外界环境因子综合作用的结果。

    Vegetation distribution patterns means the spatial position and distribution of plants , which is determined by the interactive effects of biological characteristics of plants and environmental factors .

  7. 但是物种在生物学中也是争议很大的概念,直到现在也没有一个物种概念的定义得到所有人的认可。

    But species in biology is controversial concept , until now no one species definitions of get all recognition .

  8. 然而,目前国内外有关该物种的生物学特性及其致濒机制的研究几乎还是空白。

    Up to date , however , the study on the biological peculiarity and endangered mechanism of this species is still unknown .

  9. 鄂尔多斯高原飞播造林物种种苗生物学及植被恢复优化方案研究

    Seeding Biology of the Plant Species Used in Air Seeding in Ordos Plateau and the Optimized Scheme for Vegetation Restoration ; Technical guidelines for afforestation by aerial seeding

  10. 本文对鼎突多刺蚁的热适应性进行了研究,旨在丰富该物种热生物学方面的研究资料,并为其饲养过程中温度的控制与选择提供理论参考。

    Thermal adaptation of Polyrhachis vicina was studied in this paper to enrich the data of thermal biology of this species and to provide theoretical reference for culturing this species .

  11. 本文从居群生态学的角度出发,结合生物演化的更替速率、成种速率及灭绝速率讨论了物种的生物学特征在生物绝灭事件中的可能影响。

    The possible effect of biologic properties of species on mass extinction has been discussed in terms of population ecology , rate of evolutionary turnover and rates of speciation and extinction .

  12. 祁门白术为白术的一种,根状块茎供药用或食用。主要介绍了该物种的生物学特性和栽培技术。

    Crusher , for roots , farm-type The tuber of Qizhu ( Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz . ) is used as pharmaceutical and edible . The passage introduced its biological characteristics and cultural art .

  13. 然而自1869年珙桐被发现以来,未见关于珙桐苞片在该物种进化生物学、生殖生态学及其生活史中的作用和地位的报道。

    Nonetheless nothing has been done on its role and function in the evolutionary and reproductive biology and in the life cycle of this species , saying nothing of its developmental mechanism , since the species was found from West China in 1869 .

  14. 植物群落对斑块化的应答主要依赖于物种的自身生物学特性。

    The response of plant community to habitat fragmentation depended on the biological properties of species .

  15. 分析表明影响种群分布格局的因子大致可归纳为两类:一是物种本身的生物学特性,二是由环境条件引起的种内种间竞争;

    The results in this paper also show : the factors which affect population pattern are two aspects , one is biological characteristics of species , the other is intra and inter species competition caused by environmental conditions ;

  16. 对黄河三角洲外来入侵物种米草的生物学、生态学特性进行了观测和研究。

    In Yellow River Delta , the biological and ecological characteristics of an invasive alien species spartina were investigated .

  17. 因此,该类菌的物种资源及分子生物学已在国内外进行了广泛的研究,并且越来越引起人们的重视。

    Therefore the species resources and molecular biology of those bacterial strains have been extensively researched in domestic and abroad , and more and more importance has been attached to them .

  18. 对于物种遗传结构,文章分析了物种生物学特性、生态因子对它的影响,强调了种群不同世代遗传结构研究的重要性。

    Besides discussing the species biological characteristics and ecological factors influencing genetic structure , this paper further emphasizes the importance of demographic genetic structure study .

  19. 物种多样性是指物种及其集合体的生物学多样性。

    Species diversity is biological diversity of species and its aggregation .

  20. 物种多样性研究的核心是物种的数量变化和物种的生物学多样性程度。

    The core of species diversity research is quantity change and biological diversity degree .

  21. 然而,物种的多样性与生理功能之间存在不可分割的联系,换句话说是遗传物质决定了物种的生物学性状。

    There must be an essential contact between the species diversity and physiological functions , in other words , the genetic materials determine the biological characteristics of species .

  22. 获得一个物种的基本的基因组信息,比如基因的图谱及其在细胞中的产物,是我们了解该物种生物学意义的第一步。

    Acquiring the basic genomic information for a genome , such as maps of genes and their products present in a cell , is the first step to understand its biology .