
sēn lín jǐnɡ chá
  • forest policeman;forest ranger
  1. 介绍了我国台湾地区和意大利森林警察的基本情况,以及从中得到的有益启示;

    It introduces the situations of forest police in Taiwan and Italy , and the enlightenments from them .

  2. 武装森林警察部队执行国家赋予的预防和扑救森林火灾的任务。

    The armed forest police forces shall implement the tasks of forest fire prevention and fighting given by the State .

  3. 一位无姓森林警察说他已经将那张数码照片寄给森林与野生生物保护的有关部门。

    A forestry police officer surnamed Wu said he had sent the electronic photo to the forestry and wildlife preservation authorities .

  4. 完成这次搜捕的森林警察的首领把这大笔的“战利品”放在局里的冰箱里,放了数周之后才恍然觉悟到这些鱼子酱快要变质了。

    The head of the local forest police who carried out the raid kept the bounty in barrack fridges for several weeks , but realised it would soon go bad .

  5. 小金县森林公安局的警察使用环状的绳索将被困的红熊猫救下。

    Authorities from the Xiaojin Forestry Bureau captured the stranded panda using a looped rope .