
hān tài kě jū
  • charmingly naive;One's silly disposition can be plucked
憨态可掬[hān tài kě jū]
  1. 晶晶是一只大熊猫,每当我捧起它时,他都憨态可掬地偏着头对我微笑着。

    Jingjing is a panda , whenever I won the it , he charmingly naive for me to bias his head , smiling .

  2. 除了他的最爱,憨态可掬的情侣公仔熊一定可以让他开怀一笑。

    In addition to his favorite , charmingly naive couple doll bears will be able to let him laughed .

  3. 这真的喜欢玩游戏和看憨态可掬。

    It really likes playing games and looks charmingly na ï ve .

  4. 一尾憨态可掬的金鱼,能带给我们纯粹的欢愉。

    One cute fish can bring us pure happiness .

  5. 画作中的48只的大熊猫,憨态可掬,热情地欢迎着来自世界四面八方的人们。

    The48 giant pandas in the paintings , being naive and warm welcome people from all over the world .

  6. 大熊猫是世界珍稀动物,是中国的国宝。弥足珍贵,憨态可掬的大熊猫已成为世界和平友好的使者。

    The precious and childlike giant panda is a rare animal and a national treasure of China . It is also an envoy of peace and friendship for the world .

  7. 这四个漂亮的植物果然“名不虚传”:有积极向上的芦荟、有憨态可掬的仙人球,英姿挺拔的仙人掌上顶着一个红彤彤的仙人掌花。

    These four beautiful plant was " a well-deserved reputation ": the aloe vera has a positive upwards , with the cactus , the cactus Yingzi straight Pull off a red cactus flower .

  8. 而且,小狗小猫憨态可掬,训练它们应对入室盗贼的各种把戏或任务也充满乐趣,这些足以让饲养它们而造成的种种不便可以忽略不计了。

    In addition , the playful antics of a puppy or kitten and the joy of training them to perform various tricks and tasks more than makes up for any inconvenience they may cause while housebreaking .

  9. 巧雕的小佛,袒胸露腹,双耳下垂,福像横生,笑口常开,憨态可掬。话术士的技巧中有个令人入睡的特术?所以我就画了这张搞笑图。

    Small carvings of the Buddha , attorney Lu tail , ears droop , as a blessing to startle , beaming , secure a safety belt around . " Mimic Daravon " is a Mediator skill that puts people to sleep in Final Fantasy Tactics , hence this gag poster .

  10. 非洲象体型庞大,憨态可掬,它们巨大的鼻子由上万块肌肉组成,能够提起超过9000千克(2000磅)的东西,包括小象,而且也通过鼻子喝大量的水,来维持生命。

    These enormous , lovable creatures can carry over 9000 kilograms ( 20000 lb ) . This is done using their massive trunks . Due to the trunk 's tens of thousands of muscles , elephants can lift huge objects , including their young , and consume the incredible amount of water they need to survive .