
  • 网络Dryad
  1. 森林女神攻击和铠甲防御在升级后提升。

    Dryad attack and armor increase from upgrades .

  2. 我记得在《博得之门》中遇到了一个森林女神,我帮她挡退了一些对她的大树图谋不轨的野蛮人。

    Like I remember that BG encounter with a dryad , I helped her fend off some brutes hacking her tree .

  3. 而他也和其他的森林女神保持距离。

    And he kept away from other nymphs , too .

  4. 我们羊人和森林女神彻夜跳舞。

    We fauns danced with the Dryads all night .

  5. 但森林女神爱蔻跟在他附近。

    But the nymph Echo kept near him .

  6. 森林中的女神都爱我。你为何不接受我的爱呢?

    The nymphs in the forest love me . Why don 't you receive my love ?

  7. 我在狄安娜的身姿中触摸到了优雅和权威&这位主宰森林生灵的女神有本领驯化凶猛的山狮,也能慑服最狂暴的激情。

    I feel in Diana 's posture the grace and freedom of the forest and the spirit that tames the mountain lion and subdues the fiercest passions .

  8. 森林中的众女神为他感到难过。

    The nymphs felt sorrow for him .

  9. 梅利凯的追随者并不把他们放在正式的神庙里,他们更愿意集体集中在平静的森林中敬拜这位女神。

    The followers of mielikki do not organize themselves into official temples , rather they assemble in peaceful forest glades in collective worship to the goddess .

  10. 永恒卫队、森林卫兵和树怪是军队的中坚力量,而易变的森林女神、战争舞女和各种骑士们则游离在侧翼,给敌人迅速而致命的打击。

    While the eternal guard , glade guard and tree Kin form the backbone of the army , quicksilver dryads , wardancers and beast riders slip around the flanks , unleashing deadly and swift attacks upon the opposing army .