
  1. 随着加入WTO后对外开放步伐的加快,会使中国融资租赁业面临很大的冲击。

    After joining WTO , China is accelerating the step to open to the foreign . It will make Chinese finance leasing be confronted with impulsion .

  2. 由于未能商定条款,60亿美元的中国融资方案告吹。据传中国公司要求获得Fortescue更多股权。

    The $ 6bn Chinese financing package collapsed over a failure to agree terms , amid suggestions the Chinese group was demanding a larger equity stake in Fortescue .

  3. 中国融资方式选择与证券市场定位

    China 's Choice of Financing Patterns and Positioning of the Securities Market

  4. 中国融资租赁业的竞争力又如何?

    How about the competitiveness of Chinese financing lease ?

  5. 中国融资租赁业发展方略研究

    On Development Strategy of China 's Financing Lease Business

  6. 那么中国融资融券业务中的融资业务现在的运行状况如何?我们应该从哪些方面去完善中国现有的融资制度。

    So our margin financing business is now in the business of running status ?

  7. 市场型间接融资体系与中国融资体制改革取向

    The System of Market-oriented Indirect Financing and the Reform Direction of Chinese Financing System

  8. 租赁销售模式&中国融资租赁业发展新方向

    Mode of rent marketing & New direction of developing China 's financial investment and rent business

  9. 中国融资租赁业起步较晚,在中国还属于朝阳产业;

    Financing rent industry starts very late in China , it is still in its early stage ;

  10. 直接融资、间接融资与中国融资结构目标模式的探讨

    A probe into direct financing 、 indirect financing and the objective model of financing structure in China

  11. 问题的根源在于,私营企业在中国融资极为困难。

    The problem is that China has made it difficult for private companies to obtain capital at home .

  12. 很多参与造船厂项目的人形容,这是对从中国融资实现城市重建的一次展示。

    Many involved in the Shipyards project describe it as a showcase of how to leverage Chinese funds for urban renewal .

  13. 提出了考察中国融资制度效率的三类指标:储蓄&投资转化率、金融运行效率、资源配置效率。

    From different angels , we propose three indexes : deposit-investment conversion ratio , financial operation efficiency , recourse distribution efficiency .

  14. 当你看到进入中国融资租赁行业的跨国公司大部分是以资本或厂商为背景的。

    He says , When you see the multinational companies in the China leasing industry , most are captives or serve vendor clients .

  15. 在中国融资总量中,这部分贷款只占了41%,这意味着2014年底借贷的增长是由影子银行推动的。

    That accounts for only 41 per cent of the aggregate figure , suggesting it was shadow banks that ramped up lending at year-end .

  16. 从历史演进过程中可以看到,中国融资租赁的发展经历了复杂而曲折的过程。

    From the historical evolution , it indicates that the developing progress of financial lease in China has come through a flexuous and complicated process .

  17. 当前中国融资实践中存在着“三大反悖”现象和民营中小企业融资的“多头困境”。

    There exists a " three big paradoxes " phenomenon in the financing practices and " several predicaments " of small and medium-sized private enterprises'financing in China .

  18. 正是带着这些问题,本文旨在分析研究中国融资租赁业的竞争力并提出相应对策。但在此之前,有融资租赁业概述和中国融资租赁业的发展和现状作为铺垫。

    With these questions , this paper seeks to study the competitiveness of Chinese financing lease and offer some suggestions to speed up its development and enhance its competitiveness .

  19. 本章分析了中国融资租赁发展的新时代背景,主要是指金融危机影响下世界的经济形势变化以及中国融资租赁的发展环境。

    This chapter analyzes the development of financial lease of China in new era , mainly refers to the influence by financial crisis and environment for development of financial of China .

  20. 注意:今年厂商融资租赁和资本融资租赁公司将会赞助一项旨在以实效角度看待中国融资租赁运营的研究。

    Note : This year , the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation will be funding a study that will take a pragmatic look at making the decision to conduct business in China .

  21. 中国融资总额(包括贷款、资本市场融资和影子银行的放贷)在第三季度同比下降30%。

    Total financing in China ( which includes loans , fundraising in the capital markets and activity in the shadow banks ) fell 30 per cent year on year in the third quarter .

  22. 两家公司已经投入资金约4亿澳元,正在谋求从中国融资,但在新建一个港口以出口所产铁矿石的问题上还有待政府批准。

    The companies have already spent about A $ 400 million and are seeking to secure funding from China , but need a government decision on a new port that would export their ore.

  23. 中国融资租赁发展时间不长,融资租赁对于经济发展的促进作用也不明显,相应的融资租赁理论研究也开始的比较晚。

    Developing time of financial lease in China is relatively lacking , its facilitation on economic development is not obvious yet , accordingly , the relevant study of financial lease theories begins relatively late .

  24. Uber在中国的融资安排最耐人寻味。

    Uber 's funding arrangements for China are the most intriguing .

  25. 优步(Uber)负责国际扩张的高管即将离职,这是该公司大规模重组的一部分。这个叫车应用公司正在艰难应对欧洲的监管问题和中国的融资问题。

    The Uber executive in charge of international expansion is leaving the company , as part of a broader shake-up of the taxi-hailing app as it struggles with regulatory difficulties in Europe and fundraising in China .

  26. 俄罗斯黄金矿业公司Petropavlovsk将通过一次香港上市,剥离其铁矿石业务。此前该公司成为最新一家获得中国项目融资的矿业公司。

    Petropavlovsk , the Russian gold miner , is spinning off its iron ore division in a Hong Kong listing after becoming the latest mining company to secure Chinese project finance .

  27. 中国企业融资的主体主要是国有企业和国有银行。

    China enterprise financing body is country enterprise and country bank .

  28. 中国矿业融资分析与政策建议

    Analyses of and Proposals About Financing in China 's Mining Industry

  29. 中国投融资体制改革的回顾与前瞻

    Reform of Chinese Investment and Financing Systems : Past and Future

  30. 资产证券化在中国铁路融资中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Asset Securitization in Financing of China Railway