
  • 网络hollow organ
  1. 用水清洗中空器官如胃部。

    Washing out a hollow organ ( especially the stomach ) by flushing with water .

  2. 压缩一个中空器官或导管使血液或气体停止流动。

    Constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air .

  3. 它所衬的中空器官具有一定的扩张能力。

    It lines hollow organs capable of considerable distention .

  4. 结论葡萄状横纹肌肉瘤为小儿较常见的中空器官的低度恶性肿瘤。

    Conclusions Bortryoid rhabdomyosarcoma , a low potential malignancy tumor , is more often seen in children 's low organs .

  5. “憩室,支囊,膨部:从肠之类的中空器官或结构上分支出来的袋或囊.”

    " diverticulum : a pouch or sac branching out from a hollow organ or structure , such as the intestine . "

  6. 结果急腹症中如腹腔脓肿、中空器官穿孔等,病灶周围网、系膜密度增高,呈索条或网格影;

    Results In acute abdomen , such as abdominal abscess and hollow viscera perforation , the adjacent greater omentum and mesentery showed an increase in density .

  7. 用内窥镜检查中空的人体器官。

    Examination of the interior of a hollow body organ by use of an endoscope .

  8. 中空纤维在人工器官上的应用

    Hollow fiber application in artificial organs