
  • 网络sensory epithelium
  1. 感觉上皮的浅带显示ACP、SDH和NSE活性,但ALP活性仅见于感觉上皮的最表层。

    Activity of ACP , SDH and NSE is respectively found in the superficial zone of sensory epithelium , whereas ALP activity is only found in the uppermost layer of the epithelium .

  2. 用机械分离法从豚鼠前庭感觉上皮中分离出不同种类的前庭感觉毛细胞(VHC)。

    Living vestibular hair cells ( VHCs ) were separated from vestibular sensory epithelium of guinea pig by micromanipulation .

  3. 随着修复期延长,前庭感觉上皮IGF-l及其受体表达逐渐减少(P<0.05)。

    Then the expression of IGF-1 and its receptor decreased gradually ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 目的:探讨声损伤后鸡基底乳头(BP)感觉上皮细胞的增殖活动特点和再生毛细胞的前体细胞来源。

    Objective : To investigate the characteristics of cell proliferation in chick basilar papilla ( BP ) following severe acoustic trauma , and the orgin of precursor cell that can generate into new hair cell .

  5. 结论庆大霉素慢性中毒后豚鼠前庭感觉上皮PKCβ,γ亚型表达及PKC活性均发生变化,且不同亚型抗原分布不完全相同。

    CONCLUSION There were some changes of PKC expression and activity in vestibular terminal organs of guinea pigs after chronic gentamicin toxicity and the antigen distributions of different PKC isoforms were different .

  6. 为探讨氨基糖甙类药物损伤后,鸡前庭感觉上皮细胞是否与听觉毛细胞一样具有再生能力,按每d60mg/kg剂量给鸡肌注庆大霉素,共10d。

    Whether the chick vestibular sensory epithelium is capable of regenerating hair cells following aminoglycoside ototoxicity was investigated . The chicks received daily intramuscular injection of 60 mg / kg gentamicin sulfate ( GM ) for 10 days .

  7. 目的:建立大鼠耳蜗感觉上皮细胞(CSEC)的原代培养体系,为研究毛细胞再生的分子机制提供大量来源一致的细胞。

    Objective : To further investigate the mechanisms of hair cell generation or regeneration , the primary culture systems of cochlear sensory epithelial cell ( CSEC ) of rats were established .

  8. 鸡内耳感觉上皮细胞的自然增殖状态

    Ongoing production of sensory epithelium cells in the avian inner ear

  9. 人体前庭感觉上皮胆碱能神经免疫细胞化学研究

    Immunocytochemical study of cholinergic innervation in the neurosensory epithelia of human vestibule

  10. 细胞增殖及凋亡与耳蜗感觉上皮的分化

    Proliferation and Apoptosis in the Developing Mouse Cochlear Sensory Epithelium

  11. 应用嗜热菌蛋白酶快速分离活性纯椭圆囊感觉上皮细胞及其意义

    Isolation of Pure Living Utricular Sensory Epithelial Cell by Use of Thermolysin

  12. 胚胎小鼠耳蜗感觉上皮的形态发生

    Morphogenesis in the sensory epithelia of embry-onic mouse cochlea

  13. 前庭器感觉上皮内神经分布的横向联系

    Traverse connectivity of innervation in the vestibular sensory epithelium

  14. 对朝鲜鹌鹑耳蜗感觉上皮的超微结构进行了研究。

    This paper presents the ultrastructures of the sensory epithelium of Korean quail ' inner ear .

  15. 大鼠椭圆囊感觉上皮细胞长期培养体系的建立及毛细胞标记物表达的意义

    Long-term culture of utricular sensory epithelial cell of rats and expression of the hair cell characteristic markers

  16. 朝鲜鹌鹑耳蜗感觉上皮包括听壶感觉上皮和基乳突感觉上皮两部分。

    The results show that the sensory epithelium includes two parts : one part in lagena , the other in basilar papilla .

  17. 目的研究豚鼠前庭毛细胞庆大霉素损伤后前庭感觉上皮细胞凋亡和细胞增殖之间的关系。

    Objective To study the relation of apoptosis with cell proliferation in the vestibular sensory epithelia of guinea pigs after gentamicin ototoxicity .

  18. 目的:为了判断噪声损伤对豚鼠壶腹嵴感觉上皮损伤的程度。方法:对31只杂色豚鼠进行实验性脉冲噪声损伤,并对豚鼠壶腹嵴施行细胞分离,台盼蓝染色,观察毛细胞活力。

    This study was undertaken to determine the injure of pulse intense sound to the hair cell in the ampullar cristae with trypan blue staining .

  19. 耳蜗有非感觉上皮细胞和结缔组织细胞2套间隙连接系统,内耳前庭的感觉上皮也有间隙连接。

    Objective There are two systems of gap junction in the cochlea , including the system of non-sensory epithelial cells and the system of connective-tissue cells .

  20. 但是毛细胞是位于内耳感觉上皮的终末分化细胞,以往的研究表明哺乳类耳蜗毛细胞损伤后是不能再生的。

    Previous studies indicate that hair cells cannot regenerate after injury because they are terminally differentiated cells , and therefore hair cell loss often leads to permanent hearing problems .

  21. 对照组壶腹嵴结构正常,照射组壶腹嵴与对照组相比,感觉上皮变薄,毛细胞数量减少,纤毛消失。

    In irradiation group , the cilia of hair cells in macula utriculi became shorter , the number of cilia and hair cells decreased and the otolith disappeared . The structure of crista ampullaris of control group was normal .