
  • 网络TIMOTHY;Timotheus;Tim
  1. 政党助选人员几天来不辞辛苦地努力组成了‘自发的’人群(提摩太G.史密斯)

    ' Spontaneous ' crowds are painstakingly built through days of effort by political advancemen ( Timothy G.Smith )

  2. 难怪提摩太这位年青的牧者灰心失望。

    No wonder , Timothy , this young minister was discouraged !

  3. 提摩太是其中一位与保罗同工的朋友。

    Who were some of Paul 's friends and fellow workers ?

  4. 言下之意,是希望他们待提摩太如同待他一样。

    ' In other words'treat him as you would treat me ' .

  5. 保罗给提摩太的命令的本质是什么?

    What was the nature of the commandments given by Paul to timothy ?

  6. 23你们该知道,我们的兄弟提摩太已经释放了;

    I want you to know that our brother Timothy has been released .

  7. 然而,保罗却知道提摩太的生命和事奉,跟前述的人是完全两样的。

    But Paul recognises that Timothy 's life and ministry were very different .

  8. 提摩太前书的作者在攻击什么?

    What is this author in I Timothy attacking ?

  9. 提摩太,我纪念你的眼泪。

    Timothy , I always remember your tears .

  10. 只有神已经永生而且始终永生(提摩太前书1:17)。

    Only God has always lived and will always live ( 1 Timothy 1:17 ) .

  11. 保罗曾委派提摩太在以弗所教会中承担特别的事工。

    Paul had assigned Timothy to carry out special duties at the church in Ephesus .

  12. 提摩太比保罗年轻很多,但两人之间有著深厚的情谊。

    Timothy was obviously much younger than Paul but there was a wonderful relationship between them .

  13. 他恳求提摩太忠心、无可指责地完成这些责任,直到基督再来。

    He urges Timothy to carry out these duties faithfully and blamelessly until Christ 's return .

  14. 保罗在对提摩太的开场问候中,表达了基督信仰的哪些美好真理?(第1-2节)

    What wonderful Christian truths did Paul express in his opening greeting to Timothy ?( vs.1-2 )

  15. 人从来都没有被提到过现在享有不腐不朽(提摩太前书6:16)。

    Man is never included in any reference to having immortality now ( 1 Timothy 6:16 ) .

  16. 当时已年纪老迈的保罗,只渴望提摩太这位年轻人陪伴他走完人生的路程。

    The older man was longing for the company of his young friend as the end drew near .

  17. 在保罗所认识的许多人当中,提摩太是惟一的典范。

    Out of all the people Paul knew , Timothy was the only example he could point to .

  18. 提摩太也要在公开讲道和给他人教导神的话语上全心去做。

    Timothy is also to devote himself to the public preaching and teaching of God 's Word to others .

  19. 保罗写这封书信的目的,乃是要教导提摩太如何带领会众认识纯正的道理和圣洁的行为。

    This epistle was written so that Timothy would know how to instruct the churches in doctrine and behaviour .

  20. 为帮助提摩太能作为一个好牧师去服侍教会成员,保罗给了他哪些教导?(第1-2节)

    What guidance did Paul give Timothy to help him serve church members as a good pastor ?( vs.1-2 )

  21. 提摩太在完成他的福音事工时,要牢记有关神的什么重要真理?(第13-16节)

    What important truths about God is Timothy to keep in mind as he carried out his ministry ?( vs.13-16 )

  22. 要提摩太躲避其他那些人的属灵谬误中的假智慧,并能持守真道。

    Timothy is to avoid the false wisdom of spiritual error of others and so remain in the true faith .

  23. 奉神旨意,作基督耶稣使徒的保罗,和兄弟提摩太。

    Paul , an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God , and Timotheus our brother , bbe .

  24. 在他临死前,保罗写了这封感人的信给他的徒弟,也是他的挚友提摩太。

    And just before his death , Paul wrote this moving works to his trusted disciple and friend , Timothy .

  25. 我的同工提摩太,并我的亲属路求,耶孙和所西巴德,问你们安。

    Timothy , my fellow worker , greets you , as well as Lucius and Jason and sosipater , my kinsmen .

  26. 我们没有任何证据说明,马吉安知道这三封信,提摩太前后书和提多书。

    We don 't have any evidence that Marcion actually knew about these three letters , I and II Timothy and Titus .

  27. 我会把时间主要放在提摩太前书上,因为其中有大量例子。

    I 'm going to spend most of my time in I Timothy because that 's where I can get these examples .

  28. 保罗在这段期间似乎是心身受压,可是,当他听到提摩太带回的好消息,便整个人振奋起来。

    He seemed to have been under stress just then and the good news from Thessalonica was uplifting to him in every way .

  29. 保罗感觉在这个时候非常有必要给提摩太写封信,鼓励他,劝诫他保守信仰。

    Paul feels it necessary to write again to Timothy , to offer exhortation and encouragement to his beloved son in the faith .

  30. 有一句谚语出自圣经,叫做钱是万恶之源(从《提摩太书》第六卷第十节误引而来)。

    Biblical proverbs include " Money is the root of all evil " ( misquoted from I Tim . vi , 10 ) .