
jìng ài
  • respect and love;esteem
敬爱 [jìng ài]
  • [respect and love] 尊敬热爱

  • 敬爱的老师

敬爱[jìng ài]
  1. 那天的追悼会上,他为敬爱的老师致了哀辞。

    He gave a speech during his teacher 's funeral .

  2. 人们因他的高贵品质而敬爱他。

    People adore him for his noble character .

  3. 他是我们敬爱的领袖。

    He is our beloved leader .

  4. 即使他已经忘记了我是谁,他也永远是我敬爱的爷爷。

    Even if he had forgotten who I was , he would always be my beloved grandfather .

  5. 本周,国际瑜伽界跟深受敬爱的老师B·K·S·艾扬格(B.K.S.Iyengar)告别。他享年95岁。

    This week , the international yoga community said goodbye to a beloved teacher , B.K.S. Iyengar , who died at the age of 95 .

  6. v.哀悼全国哀悼备受敬爱的总统逝世。

    mourn The whole nation mourned the death of the much-loved President .

  7. 我们不应该隐藏我们所敬爱的亲人的死因真相,因为唯有这样做,人们才会明白HIV只是一种普通疾病。

    We must not hide the cause of death of our respected families because that is the only way we can make people understand that HIV is an ordinary illness .

  8. 敬爱的教师TomSamson于2012年骑着自行车出车祸死亡,其父亲表示,安大略应对肇事逃逸司机判处最低刑罚。

    Father of beloved teacher Tom Samson , killed on his bike in 2012 , says Ontario should have a minimum sentence for drivers who don 't stop .

  9. 在YouTube的一段视频里可以看到:7月11日,Sebba刚刚走进Net-a-Porter伦敦办公室,就看见敬爱他的员工们聚在一起,边唱边跳最近的热门单曲《TheMan》,向他致敬。

    A video uploaded to YouTube shows Sebba walking into Net-a-Porter 's London office on July 11 to be greeted by crowds of adoring employees , singing and dancing to the hit single The Man .

  10. 那是我的导师本身的师父——一位具有领袖魅力的伟大瑜伽士,我在此仅以“思瓦米吉”(Swamiji)(梵文意即“敬爱的僧侣”)称之。

    It was my Guru 's own master - a great charismatic Yogi I will refer to here only as " Swamiji " ( which is Sanskrit for " beloved monk " ) .

  11. 当我做算术时,我会利用敬爱的尺子。

    When I do maths , I use my lovely ruler .

  12. 请转寄给所有你敬爱及关怀人。

    Please pass it on to all you love and care .

  13. 对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀。

    Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers .

  14. 他对他的母亲的敬爱给了我深刻的印象。

    His love of his mother gave me a deep impression .

  15. 崇拜短语神化敬爱的国王崇拜财富

    personify as a deity : to deify a beloved king .

  16. 我们都要敬爱与服从她。

    And as such she is loved and obeyed by us .

  17. 宣誓永远效忠我们敬爱的元首。

    A pledge of eternal allegiance to our beloved fuhrer .

  18. 对于您,我们将致以良愿与敬爱!

    To you , we 'll give our best wishes and love .

  19. 献上一份甜蜜又可爱的礼物给我最敬爱的老师。

    A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher .

  20. 这位教师平等对待学生,使他为全体学生所敬爱。

    The teacher 's democracy made him liked by all his pupils .

  21. 你要像你承诺的那样敬爱你的丈夫。

    You have to love and respect your husband as you promised .

  22. 除了妈妈以外,您是我最敬爱的女性。

    Next to mom , you are my favorite lady .

  23. 但是郡长不知道罗宾有一群效忠他的人,他不知道罗宾汉是他们敬爱的首领。

    He did not know that Robin Hood was their beloved leader .

  24. 他们非常爱咱们,而咱们也特别很是敬爱他们。

    They love us very much and we love them , too .

  25. 人们写了许多诗词歌颂我们敬爱的周总理。

    People wrote many poems in praise of our beloved Premier Zhou .

  26. 敬爱的爸爸妈妈!您们将会为我自豪的!

    Dear father and mother , you 'll be proud of me !

  27. 他们以他们敬爱的老师的名字海伦为他们的婴孩命名。

    They called the baby Helen after their beloved teacher .

  28. 她敬爱着你你却将她拒之门外

    You had her love and you shut her out !

  29. 敬爱的家园,英雄的故乡;

    The birthplace of valour , the country of worth ;

  30. 他爱你,他绝对敬爱你。

    He loves you , he absolutely adores you .