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yōng dài
  • support;allegiance
拥戴 [yōng dài]
  • [support] 推举,拥护

拥戴[yōng dài]
  1. 有一句俄罗斯谚语说,你须拥戴贤人,庸者仅会自顾。

    There 's a Russian proverb that goes : you must support the most talented people because untalented people will support themselves .

  2. 司马睿称帝有赖于南方官僚士族的拥戴,东晋政权建立之初,先后平息了王敦和苏峻之乱,统治趋于稳定。

    Without the support of the southern bureaucrats and gentry-officials , Sima Rui could not have become emperor . The early years of the Eastern Jin saw a stable period after the suppression of Wang Dun and Su Jun.

  3. 很多城镇经常发现改变拥戴对象才是上策。

    Many towns often found it politic to change their allegiance .

  4. 这群人拥戴讲演的人作领袖。

    The crowd acclaimed the speaker their leader .

  5. 技术研究人员DominicGlover说,转基因作物被拥戴为一种“造福穷人”的技术,但是现实更加复杂。

    GM crops have been hailed as a'pro-poor'technology , but the reality is much more complicated , says technology researcher Dominic Glover .

  6. 当着所有军队,戴克里先杀掉了被怀疑与努梅里安之死有关的艾派(Aper),因此而获得支持,并被拥戴成为东罗马帝国的皇帝。

    Diocletian won support by killing Aper , the man suspected of having a hand in Numerian 's death , in front of all the troops , and was rewarded with the title of Emperor of the East .

  7. 作为一名受人拥戴的左翼分子,埃塞尔这种人在当今实属罕见。

    Hessel is that rare phenomenon today : an acclaimed leftist .

  8. 主角在这,孩子们拥戴的人。

    The master is here , the champion of children everywhere .

  9. 人们将会拥戴你,或者愿为你效力。

    People will want to promote you or work for you .

  10. 我们如何才能赢得民众的拥戴呢?

    How can we win the allegiance of the masses ?

  11. 他勤奋和蔼,深受选民拥戴。

    He was a diligent kindly man , loved by his constituents .

  12. 我拥戴「用者自付」原则。

    I am a firm believer in the " user-pays " principle .

  13. 我是真心实意拥戴你的。

    I am really sincere about giving you my allegiance .

  14. 他们再也不拥戴他们的国王了

    they 'd fallen out of love with their king .

  15. 歌德被拥戴为德国最伟大的诗人。

    Goethe is acclaimed as germany 's greatest poet .

  16. 他在他赢得总冠军的地方受人拥戴。

    He had equity where he 'd won championships .

  17. 当上国王后,他不再受人民的拥戴。

    He fell out of favor with the people when he became king .

  18. 但大家一致拥戴第一夫人。

    But everybody is clamouring for the First Lady 。

  19. 当官的庇护他,公众也拥戴他。

    Authority respects him and public opinion protects him .

  20. 一位年轻人救了两个孩子后被拥戴为英雄。

    A young man is being hailed as a hero after rescuing two children .

  21. 实际情况是,他们拥戴他。

    In practice , they are embracing him .

  22. 粉丝们在网络上建立论坛和网站来表达对车手的拥戴。

    The internet is filled with fan pages and forums dedicated to racing heroes .

  23. 他被拥戴为国家救星。

    He was acclaimed savior of the country .

  24. 作为政界人士,他对公众拥戴的诱惑并非无动于衷。

    As a politician he was not deaf to the siren call of public popularity .

  25. 但拥戴这种课程的团体也大有人在。

    But the course has its defenders .

  26. 党员们忠诚地拥戴他。

    The party rallied round him faithfully .

  27. 你说得对,斯特恩,恐惧远比拥戴好。

    You were right , Stayne . It 's far better to be feared than loved .

  28. 瓦萨返回瑞典后带领人民独立,并因此被拥戴为古斯塔夫瓦萨国王。

    He returned to lead the Swedes to independence , and was later proclaimed King Gustav Vasa .

  29. 那些政府只会做一件事:制定不受拥戴的结构性改革方案,并在此过程中冒着选举失败的风险。

    All these governments can do is enact unpopular structural reforms and risk electoral defeat in the process .

  30. 小泉纯一郎,这位很爱发众拥戴的新任首相决心重建民族自尊;

    Junichiro Koizumi , the new and hugely popular Prime Minister , is determined to restore national pride ;