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gōng jìng
  • respectful;revere;honour;with great respect;hold in reverence
恭敬 [gōng jìng]
  • [revere;honour] 对尊长贵宾谦恭而有礼的

  • 林冲因见他两口儿恭敬孝顺,常把些银两与他做本钱。--《水浒传》

  • [hold in reverence] 尊敬或尊重地对待

  • 热爱并恭敬他的双亲

恭敬[gōng jìng]
  1. 他在家里对父母十分恭敬顺从。

    He was very respectful at home and obedient to his parents

  2. Bluewater的总裁DarrenGDavis说,梅尔的故事将由一个吸血鬼来讲述,口吻将“十分有趣、恭敬并且独特”。

    Meyer 's story , meanwhile , will be narrated by a vampire " in a very fun , respectful and unique way ", according to Bluewater president Darren G Davis .

  3. 他们恭敬地站在坟墓周围致默哀礼。

    They stood in silent homage around the grave .

  4. 她恭敬地放低了声音。

    She lowered her voice reverentially .

  5. 他恭敬地听着。

    He listened respectfully .

  6. 她被要求对叔叔恭敬顺从。

    She is expected to be subservient to her uncle .

  7. 他恭敬地听老师讲课。

    He gave reverent attention to the teacher .

  8. 老师走进教室时,学生们恭敬地站了起来。

    Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room .

  9. 造父跟泰豆学习驾车。三年间,泰豆从未告诉他一句有关驾车方法的话,但造父对师父却更加恭敬。

    Zao Fu been learning to drive from Tai Dou for three years , but Tai Dou did not tell him anything about driving , which only added to his respect for his teacher .

  10. 幸运的是,Facebook本周为我们提供了一个“不喜欢”按钮,那我也就恭敬不如从命,径直按下了。

    Luckily , Facebook came out with a " dislike " button this week .

  11. 该手册指导CIA“非正规军”构造不同的被设计来博得敌人的恭敬、信任和对其的影响的“假面”构造。

    The manual instructs the CIA " guerilla forces " to engage in different " false front " organizations designed to win the respect , trust , and influence ofthe enemy .

  12. 当然,影片《国王的演讲》确实也做了些改动,比如:真正的LionelLogue可要比GeoffreyRush在片中扮演的那个Logue医生恭敬些呢,而且他本人略显矮小些。

    The movie did make some changes , of course : The real Lionel Logue was more deferential than Geoffrey Rush 's character , and rather shorter than his movie counterpart .

  13. 无怪乎youtube,guba及其它独立视频网站竭尽全力对其它的传媒大亨恭敬备至。

    Little wonder then that the founders of youtube , Guba and other independent video sites go to great lengths to be quoted saying respectful things about other media moguls .

  14. 印度人双手交合,恭敬地鞠躬。

    Hindus join their hands and bow their heads in respect .

  15. 我一向恭敬、尊重艺术家。

    I am deferential and respectful in the presence of artists .

  16. 我只是恭敬地退回他的门票而已。

    I merely , most respectfully , return Him the ticket .

  17. 对父母的教诲,我要恭敬地倾听。

    When my parents instruct me , I will listen respectfully .

  18. 恭敬的鞠躬在日本文化中是尊敬的象征。

    Bowing politely is a mark of respect in Japanese culture .

  19. 如您所愿,卡丽熙。乔拉爵士恭敬地说。

    As you will , Khaleesi , Ser Jorah said respectfully .

  20. 先生,仅仅是把手恭敬的放在背后。

    ust holding my hands behind my back respectfully , sir .

  21. 所有的学生都恭敬地听他讲课。

    All the students listen to him respectfully in his classes .

  22. 他对我并没有什么表示,只是非常的恭敬。

    He made no professions to me but of an extraodinary respect .

  23. “您是从事什么工作的,先生?”他恭敬地问道。

    ' What work do you do sir ? 'he asked deferentially .

  24. 当她进入房间时,他们恭敬地鞠了躬。

    They bowed deferentially as she came into the room .

  25. “好的,女士。”机组人员卑谦恭敬的回答。

    " Yes , ma'am ," the humbled crew responded .

  26. 皮尔逊先生对华尔顿先生十分恭敬。

    Mr Pearson is hat in hand to Mr Walton .

  27. 我当然肯去,我恭敬地回禀师父。

    Of course I would go , I replied respectfully .

  28. 他希望他们在他进屋时都恭敬地站着。

    He expected them to stand respectfully when he entered the room .

  29. 在英国广播公司她受到恭敬有礼的接待。

    At the BBC she was received with respectful ceremony .

  30. (表示恭敬)站得离某人有一定距离,[喻]敬而远之

    Keep [ stand ] at a respectful distance from sb