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  1. 南宋德佑二年(1276),元军攻克临安,宋廷谢太后及恭帝投降。

    In the 2nd year of Deyou ( 1276 ) , the army of Yuan invaded Ling'an , the Empress Dowager Xie and the Emperor Gong surrendered .

  2. 北宋的建立:五代后周显德六年(959),周世宗柴荣病死,七岁的恭帝继位时任殿前都点检、归德军节度使的赵匡胤掌握了军权。

    The Making of Song Dynasty : In the 6th year of Xiande ( 959 ) of the Later Zhou , Emperor Shizong , Cai Rong died of illness , so Emperor Gong , seven years old then , succeeded to the throne .

  3. 翌年正月初,赵匡胤在陈桥驿(今河南封丘东南陈桥镇)发动兵变,黄袍加身。并率军人开封,胁迫周恭帝禅位,夺取了皇位。

    In the early first lunar moon of the following year , Zhao Kuangyin , Satrap and Commander of the imperial army , started a mutiny in Chenqiaoyi ( southeast of Fengqiu in Henan ) and led an army into Kaifeng to force Emperor Gong to abdicate his throne to him .