
  1. 政基少主得病死了?

    Young Lord masamoto died of illness ?

  2. 莱莎夫人下令要学士留在鹰巢城,以便随时照顾劳勃少主。

    The Lady Lysa has commanded the maester to remain at the Eyrie at all times , to care for Lord Robert , he said .

  3. 你不就是吉利的少东主吗?

    Aren 't you the young boss of gut lee ?

  4. 谢谢你少东主,你这个人真诚实。

    Thank you , young boss . you 're such an honest guy .

  5. 我在少狼主死了之后向您家族屈膝投降,是因为我认为给死人卖命,为了无法翻盘的败局让布雷肯家族白白流血,实在没有意义。

    I bent the knee because I saw no sense in dying for the dead nor shedding Bracken blood in a lost cause .

  6. 留植苗在苗高、地径上有优势,但根系不好,侧根数少,主侧根过粗,起苗时易造成机械损伤,造林不易成活;

    Stubble seedlings were superior in height and ground diameter to the others , but lateral root numbers were less and principal and lateral roots were thick , so were liable to mechanic injury in removing seedlings .

  7. 完满人生历来少不了美食这个主旋律。

    Food is the perfect metaphor for life .