
  • 网络Young China
  1. 论王光祈的少年中国理想

    On Wang Guang-qi ′ s Ideal of " Young China "

  2. 少年中国学会的出版事业

    On the Publishing Enterprise of the Association of Young China

  3. 问题与主义之争和少年中国学会

    The " problem and doctrine " dispute and the Young China Association

  4. 神佑我少年中国。

    God bless China , God bless Chinese youngster !

  5. 少年中国学会是国家主义派的渊源之一。

    The Youth China Academy was one of the origins of the nationalism school .

  6. 《少年中国》月刊成为他们研究学理、传播主义的机关。

    Young China , became the organ of studying the reason and logic and conveying the doctrines .

  7. 曾琦发起少年中国学会,目的在以此为依托建立政党。

    Zengqi sponsored the Academy of Youth China on the basis of which he hoped to found a political party .

  8. 新文化如何成了一种运动&以少年中国学会为中心的探究

    How Did " the New culture " Become a Kind of " Movement " & Centering Round the Young China Association

  9. 少年中国与青春中华&20世纪初知识分子对中国形象的重构

    Young China and Youth of China ── New Image of China Portrayed By Intellectuals at the Beginning of the 20th Century

  10. 青年时代的宗白华用《流云》小诗的清新勃发来表达自己对少年中国的憧憬和向往。

    Zong Baihuai expresses his longing and yearning for juvenile China with a fresh and lively poem of Liu Yun when he was young .

  11. 在她最近的专辑《少年中国》中,她穿起了中国传统旗袍,她的头发也不再炸起。

    On her latest album , Youth of China , she wears a Chinese-style shirt , and her hair points down , not up .

  12. 王光祈的少年中国理想,是以少年意大利为基础,汲取五四时期社会主义思潮的积极成分而形成的。

    Wang Guang-qi ′ s ideal of " Young China " came from " Young Italy ", and was influenced by socialism in the period of May 4th .

  13. 20世纪20年代初,少年中国学会展开了一场关于宗教问题的讨论,吸引了国内外大批著名学者参与。

    In early 1920s , Youth China Association launched a discussion of religious issues in which many well-known scholars , home and abroad , were attracted to take part .

  14. 1918年6月,少年中国学会成立之时,意在成为一个注重修养的团体,企图从社会之外渐渐地改造社会。

    When it was founded in June of 1918 , the Youth China Academy aimed to be an organization which valued culture and attempted to reform the society from outside .

  15. 研究少年中国学会关于宗教问题的讨论,可为近代中国学术何以会改变旨趣及发展方向,提供一个具有史源依据的解读范本。

    To study Youth China Association 's discussion of religious issues can provide an interpreting prototype based on historical materials for the reason why the academia in modern China changed its focus of study and orientation of development .

  16. 20世纪初爱国知识分子竞相以少年中国和青春中华为题重塑中国形象,集中反映了这一代人世纪更替的自觉意识。

    In the early period of the 20th century . Patriotic young people were keen on portraying a new image of China in the name of " Young China " and " Youth of China ", which is a reflection of such a sense .

  17. 而围绕着《少年中国》月刊文字方针而展开的学理与主义之争,并非人们所说的是问题与主义之争的范式转换,而是学会自由研究与预备主义的表现与结果。

    But the " academic theories and doctrine " dispute that launched around writing ways of the monthly Young China was not the converting mode of " problem and doctrine ", but was the performance and result of free research in academic association and preparation doctrine .

  18. 残疾少年与中国最后的蒸汽机车。

    The disabled youth and the last steam engines of China .

  19. 美国少年比中国少年发育早,年以他们第一次约会时间相对早于中国少年。

    American teenager earlier than the Chinese Youth Development , a relatively long time for their first date in the Chinese Young .

  20. 少年强则中国强,国家兴亡,是我们共同的责任。

    Junior strong in China , and the rise and fall of the country , is our common responsibility .

  21. 数十名智利少年儿童身着中国传统民族服装在舷梯旁列队欢迎。

    Dozens of Chilean children in Chinese traditional costumes lined up by the ladder of the plane to welcome the guests .

  22. 认为未来的中国网络文化,应以其本应具有的充沛的少年精神成为中国文化现代化的强有力的推进器。

    The future cyberculture in China should positively promote the transformation of traditional Chinese culture with its vigorously youthful spirit in nature .

  23. 少年电影是中国儿童电影一个重要的组成部分,它的创作和发展直接关联着中国少年人的精神成长。

    Teenager 's film is an important part of the family of Chinese children 's films , we will meet a speed development when teenager 's film has been growing up .

  24. 少年儿童是传承中国传统文化的主体。

    Young children are the main body of inheriting Chinese traditional culture .

  25. 美国已经建立有独立的少年警察制度,中国具有非严格意义上少年警察制度。

    The U.S.A has established independent juvenile police system , and the China has a non-strict sense juvenile police system .

  26. 一群来自北京的中学生参观首都少年法庭,学习中国法律体系。

    A group of middle school students from Beijing have been given a tour of a youth court in the Chinese capital to teach them about the Chinese legal system .