
  1. 他杀了12人后才最终被当局抓获。

    He killed 12 people before the authorities finally nabbed him

  2. 克罗地亚不甘人后,提出了他们自己的维和方案。

    Not to be outdone , the Croats came up with a peacekeeping proposal of their own

  3. 在他被正式宣布为世界上最年长的人后,他给出了这样一个简单的快乐长寿的秘诀。

    After he was officially pronounced the world 's oldest man , he offered this simple formula for a long and happy life

  4. 她人后的本相与人前的形象大为不同

    Her private and public selves were vastly different .

  5. 他不愿在慷慨大方方面落于人后。

    He did not want to be behindhand in generosity .

  6. 先助人后求助是良策。

    It 's sound policy to do a favor before seeking one .

  7. 在荣誉击杀两人后。玩家有资格获取冬握湖的参与奖励。

    Players will receive corporal rank at5 honorable kills instead of two .

  8. 然后,在遇到许多无关紧要的人后,找到了真正的朋友。

    And then after meeting dozens of jerks , find a true friend .

  9. 但在人后,两口子经常争执,流泪。

    Behind the scenes there were tussies and tears .

  10. 因为他擅长藏在人后。

    Because he 's good at deceiving people .

  11. 在此背景下,各基金公司不甘人后,纷纷在基金产品创新设计上下功夫、做文章。

    Under this condition , each fund company rushed forward to design new products .

  12. 研发之初,福特正处于在传动技术上落于人后的时期。

    Its development came when Ford ( F , Fortune 500 ) was a laggard in powertrain technology .

  13. 一名枪手在加州圣何塞的一个通勤铁路调车场枪杀8人后自杀。

    A gunman killed eight people at a commuter rail yard in San Jose , California before committing suicide .

  14. 我的建议是,最好完成中级沟通手册,以及做过几次的讲评人后,再担任指导会友。

    I recommend that you complete at least the Competent Communication manual or give several evaluations before serving as mentor .

  15. 但是,虽然很多厂商在市场上找到了自己的一席之地,但也有一些厂商正在苦苦挣扎,以免落于人后。

    But while a number are establishing strong franchises in the market , several are struggling to avoid being left behind .

  16. 当摄影技术开始从模拟胶片向数字化发展的时候,柯达只是做了一些微不足道的尝试就算是加入了这股潮流,但总的来说是远远落在人后了。

    As photography started to move from analog film to digital , Kodak made small attempts to participate in the shift , but were largely left behind .

  17. 不过天神提醒蜜蜂说:我可以送你一根这种针,但你必须注意,就是在你刺人后,拔出那根针时你的生命也就结束了。

    But God said : I can give you remind bees wave of such principles , but you must note that your prickly , pulling ourselves needle your life will end .

  18. 英国巴斯大学研究人员称,或许当第一眼看见你愿意与其共度余生的人后你会产生心动的感觉,但这种感觉是不真实的。

    So that knotted feeling in the stomach when you first spot the person you want to share the rest of your life with is not the real thing , according to researchers .

  19. 而去年一项英国调查表明,2/3的女性更喜欢为男老板工作,因为他们直言不讳、很少在人后议论,而且不会被情绪左右。

    And a British survey last year showed two-thirds of women preferred a male boss as they are straight-talking , less likely to talk about staff behind their backs and not prone to mood swings .

  20. 光镜下,煮沸骨植人后第2周,植骨间隙内出现结缔组织及少量新生骨,周围组织内可见炎细胞浸涧。

    In histological observation at 2 weeks the boiled autogenous bone grafted , we can find some fibre and a little new bone in the clearance and some lymph cells in the tissue around the grafted bone .

  21. 哈佛商学院也不甘人后,押注于更有创业精神的新一代商学院学生,其新开设的创新实验室为学生、创业者和当地企业提供交流想法和合作的据点。

    Similarly , Harvard Business School is making a significant bet that the next generation of business school students will need to be more entrepreneurially minded by launching an innovation lab that offers a hub where students , entrepreneurs , and local businesses can share ideas and collaborate .

  22. 大多数宗教都假定人死后生命仍存在。

    Most religions posit the existence of life after death .

  23. 这个书包是有人下课后落下的。

    This bag was left behind after the class .

  24. 他们相信人死后转生为动物。

    They believe humans are reincarnated in animal form .

  25. 人死后有来生吗?

    Is there life beyond the grave ?

  26. 这药因许多人服后产生严重副作用而被停止销售。

    The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects .

  27. 碰巧——不知是偶然还是有意安排——其他人走后,只剩下了他们两个人。

    It happened ─ whether by accident or design ─ that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone .

  28. 人患病后体温可能会上下波动。

    Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill .

  29. 一些人戒烟后体重确实会增加。

    Some people do gain weight after they stop smoking

  30. 我相信人死后生命会以某种形式存在。

    I believe in life after death .