
  • 网络Laixi City
  1. 莱西市的有益探索,值得各地学习借鉴。

    The helpful exploration in Laixi is worth our learning and utilizing .

  2. 农村制度建设与社区治理调查及思考&以莱西市三村为例

    The Investigation and Thoughts on Rural System Construction and Community Administration & From " Three Villages " in Laixi

  3. 莱西市消防局稍后在推特上写道:没错。

    Lacey Fire Department later tweeted : Yes .

  4. 它们被困在华盛顿州莱西市一辆着火的房车中,在消防队员进来前,它们面临在火中窒息的危险。

    The stricken pets were caught in a mobile home fire in Lacey , Washington and faced suffocating in the blaze before fire crews stepped in .

  5. 山东省莱西市积极改革农村会计管理体制,探索出一条农村会计职业化管理的新路子。

    The active reform on the accounting assignment system in the rural areas of Laixi , Shangdong Province exploits a new way of accounting professionalism management .

  6. 本文结合该系统在莱西市高科技农业示范园区的应用实例,揭示了这一系统的逻辑设计、物理实现、技术特色及主要功能。

    Based on its application in Laixi Hightech Agricultural Demonstration Zone , the system logical design , physical implementation , technical characteristics , and its main functions were described and analyzed .

  7. 莱西市是一个县级小城市,其地理位置、经济发展、文化差异等方面决定了莱西市在发展城镇化的过程中不可能照搬其他大城市的做法,因地制宜,实事求是找出适合莱西发展的路径。

    Laixi is a county-level small-scale city . Its geographic location , economic development level and cultural distinction have determined that Laixi cannot copy other metropolitan thoroughly in the process of urbanization . Conform to the local conditions practically and realistically is an appropriate path for Laixi development .