
  • 网络Laiwu;laiwu city
  1. 研究结果认为,莱芜市的工业布局最好应设在莱芜市的NW到SW之间的方向。

    According to the research results , it is preferable to set the direction of the industrial layout in Laiwu City ought to from NW to SW .

  2. 根据2004年莱芜市环境质量报告书的结果,莱芜市总体环境质量达到《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-1996)规定的二级标准。

    According to the Environmental Quality Report of Laiwu City in 2004 , the overall environmental quality of Laiwu City has been up to the Grade II Standard specified in the Environmental Air Quality Standard ( GB3095-1996 ) .

  3. 莱芜市三和科技有限公司UIPM项目可行性研究

    Laiwu SanHe Technology Co. Ltd. UIPM Project Feasibility Study

  4. 莱芜市土蝗发生区域分布及防治对策研究

    Study on distribution and control strategies of locust in Laiwu City

  5. 莱芜市矿产资源开发的生态评价及对策

    Ecological Evaluation of Exploitation of Mineral Resources in Laiwu and Countermeasures

  6. 莱芜市无偿献血工作回顾及评价

    Recalling and Evaluation of No Charging to Give Blood in Laiwu City

  7. 山东省莱芜市城市规划行政执法问题研究

    Study on Enforcement of the City Planning of Laiwu , Shandong Province

  8. 莱芜市1954~2003年麻疹流行趋势

    Epidemic Trend of Measles from 1954 to 2003 in Laiwu

  9. 2004&2008年莱芜市职业病发病情况分析

    Analysis of Occupational Disease in Laiwu City during 2004-2008

  10. 莱芜市岩溶塌陷原因分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Karstic Collapse in Laiwu City

  11. 莱芜市1996&2005年食物中毒资料分析

    Data Analysis of the Food Poisonings in Laiwu City during 1996 ~ 2005

  12. 2004年莱芜市食品卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Food Hygiene Condition in Laiwu in 2004

  13. 莱芜市矿产资源持续利用研究

    The Study of Sustainable Utilization of Mineral Resources in the City of Laiwu

  14. 莱芜市水资源分析及可持续利用对策探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Countermeasures for Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Laiwu city

  15. 莱芜市招商引资奖励办法

    Measures on Rewarding for investment of Laiwu City

  16. 基本达到了莱芜市农信社对计算机设备管理的要求。

    The rural credit cooperatives has basically reached the right computer equipment management demand .

  17. 方法对莱芜市1954~2003年麻疹流行病学资料进行分析。

    Methods Epidemiological data of measles from 1954 to 2003 in Laiwu was analyzed .

  18. 莱芜市农村信用社计算机设备管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Computer Equipment Management System for Laiwu City Rural Credit Cooperatives

  19. 莱芜市工业合理布局与风的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis of the Industrial Reasonable Layout and the Wind Direction on Laiwu City

  20. 莱芜市农村信用合作联社市中分社报表系统的开发与设计

    Laiwu City , Rural Credit Cooperative Association of City Branch Reporting System Development and Design

  21. 在第三章中,交代了莱芜市经济发展和公路建设的概况。

    The third chapter narrates the general situation of economic development and highway construction of Laiwu city .

  22. 莱芜市73家学生小饭桌卫生状况调查

    Inspection on the Hygienic Condition of 73 " Small Dining Table for Students " in Laiwu City

  23. 2004年莱芜市餐饮业熟食专间环节表面大肠菌群污染状况调查

    Investigation on Coliform Group 's Contamination Conditions in Prepared-food Rooms of Restaurants in Laiwu City in 2004

  24. 第四章开始对莱芜市公路建设对区域经济的影响进行实证分析。

    Chapter four is the empirical analysis of the impact of highway construction on the regional economic .

  25. 莱芜市是矿业城市。煤、铁、石灰岩、白云岩、脉石英等矿产资源与水资源达到了较好的配套程度;

    Coal , iron , limestone , dolostone , vein quartz and water resources reach better complementary ;

  26. 方法对莱芜市1996&2005年10年间食物中毒资料进行分析。

    [ Methods ] Analysis was made on the food poisoning data during 1996 ~ 2005 in Laiwu .

  27. 农地征用过程中村民利益问题研究&基于莱芜市农村征地调研的分析

    An Empirical Study of the Interest Issue in Land Expropriation Based on a Survey of Villagers from Laiwu

  28. 2008年莱芜市煤矿工人高血压患病情况及影响因素调查

    Investigation on the Prevalence of Hypertension and its Risk Factors among Coal Miners in Laiwu City in 2008

  29. 莱芜市政府机关干部465例原发性高血压治疗率、控制率及影响因素分析

    Analysis of rates of treatment and control of essential hypertension and the influencing factors in governors of Laiwu City

  30. 论文主要采用理论和实践相结合的研究方法,对莱芜市邮政局支局长领导能力建设进行了研究。

    Paper mainly USES the theory and practice of combining research methods to post office branches laiwu city leader ability construction were studied .