
  • 网络Leipzig
  1. 前述出版商名叫淘气出版社(DerSchelm),其所在地莱比锡市的州检察官正展开调查,看是否可以对其提起指控。

    Now , state prosecutors in the German city of Leipzig , where the publisher , Der Schelm , is based , are investigating whether they can press charges .

  2. 但据说苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(TimothyD.Cook)去年曾拜访德国莱比锡市的一家工厂,那是宝马公司生产拥有碳纤维车身的全电动小轿车宝马i3的地方。

    But Timothy D. Cook , the Apple chief executive , reportedly visited a factory in Leipzig , Germany , last year where BMW manufactures the i3 , an all-electric sedan with a carbon fiber body .