
  1. 陈太乐(ThaiLeTran,音译)挑选他故乡莱比锡的公共图书馆作为我们见面的地方。

    Thai Le Tran picked the public library of his hometown of Leipzig for our meeting .

  2. “对更新的性行为我们说不出什么来,”斯万特帕玻说。他是莱比锡马克斯普朗克人类进化学研究所的遗传学家,专门从事尼安德特dna的分析。

    " We Ca n 't say anything about sexual practices in the pleistocene ," says Svante paabo , the geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig who analyzed the Neanderthal dna .

  3. 德国莱比锡动物园一只名叫海蒂的小负鼠是“对眼儿”而成为新兴网络明星,它在facebook上拥有6.5万名“粉丝”。

    A cross-eyed opossum called Heidi , who is being housed in Leipzig Zoo of Germany , has already become a new net star , and attracted more than 65000 fans on Facebook .

  4. 莱比锡动物园发表一项声明称:Heidi,我们的斗鸡眼负鼠已经于今日早上永远地闭上了双眼。

    Leipzig Zoo released a statement saying : Heidi , our cross-eyed opossum , has closed her eyes forever today .

  5. 2010年,德国莱比锡马克斯·普朗克演化人类学研究所(MaxPlanckInstituteforEvolutionaryAnthropology)提取了尼安德特人的一个大约60%的基因组,所用样本来自克罗地亚一处洞穴中发掘出的化石。

    In 2010 , scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig , Germany , recovered about 60 percent of a Neanderthal genome from fossils found in a Croatian cave .

  6. 前述出版商名叫淘气出版社(DerSchelm),其所在地莱比锡市的州检察官正展开调查,看是否可以对其提起指控。

    Now , state prosecutors in the German city of Leipzig , where the publisher , Der Schelm , is based , are investigating whether they can press charges .

  7. 来自里斯本、莱比锡、维也纳、巴伦西亚、波尔多和博洛尼亚的无数年轻男女到这里来交友、恋爱,成了彼此的Facebook上永远的朋友。

    Hundreds of thousands of young men and women come from Lisbon , Leipzig , Vienna , Valencia , Bordeaux and Bologna to make friends , fall in love and pledge eternal Facebook friendship to each other .

  8. 事实上,我认为它(战神)已经在莱比锡会议上得到了PSP最佳游戏的奖项,或者是类似的奖项。

    As a matter of fact , I think it even got an award for the Best PSP Game , or something like that , at the Leipzig conference .

  9. 来自德国莱比锡大学的MitjaBack博士和他的同事在心理学杂志上发表了一篇新的学术报告用来研究那些个有着糟糕的第一天入学经历的新生的心态。

    It 's this question that Dr. Mitja Back and colleagues from the University of Leipzig investigated in a new study to be published in Psychological Science ( Back , Schmukle & Egloff , 2008 ) . To find out they subjected brand new psychology students to a nerve-wracking first day .

  10. 她很少诉说自己的生平故事,可能是担心听起来引人遐想,但她从莱比锡卡尔马克思大学(KarlMarxUniversity)毕业,之后为了自己的物理学博士学位,她还不得不额外撰写一篇“马列主义”论文。

    She rarely tells her own story , perhaps for fear of sounding inspirational , but she graduated from Karl Marx University in Leipzig , and later , for her physics PhD , had to write an additional " Marxist-Leninist " thesis .

  11. 荷兰Tias宁堡(TiasNimbas)商学院排名第20,这得益于其MBA排名进入了前100名。因同样的原因,德国莱比锡管理学院(HHLLeipzigGraduateSchoolofManagement)在欧洲商学院排行榜上排名升至第23位。

    The Netherlands " TiasNimbas is ranked 20th with the help of a top 100 MBA programme and Germany 's HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management is up to 23rd after entering the top 100 EMBA programmes .

  12. 但据说苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(TimothyD.Cook)去年曾拜访德国莱比锡市的一家工厂,那是宝马公司生产拥有碳纤维车身的全电动小轿车宝马i3的地方。

    But Timothy D. Cook , the Apple chief executive , reportedly visited a factory in Leipzig , Germany , last year where BMW manufactures the i3 , an all-electric sedan with a carbon fiber body .

  13. 罗伯特·赫尔曼·普发特于1854年出生于德国萨克逊省莱比锡附近的一个叫Goeltzschen的小村庄。

    Robert Hermann Pfauter was born in1854 to a farm family in Goeltzschen , a village near Leipzig in Saxony .

  14. 莱比锡的细胞治疗和免疫学IZI弗劳恩霍夫研究所的科学家发现了可以替代抗生素的药物。

    Research scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI in Leipzig have found an alternative to the established antibiotics .

  15. 我来考察莱比锡的市场。

    I 'm on a visit to the fair in Leipzig .

  16. 莱比锡2012奥林匹克公园,莱比锡,德国

    Leipzig Olympic Park , 2012 , leipzig , germany , 2002

  17. 莱比锡学派的特点及其对物理化学的贡献

    The characteristics of the Leipzig school and its contribution to physical chemistry

  18. 目前,莱比锡正处于一个社会剧变期。

    Leipzig is currently experiencing a time of social upheaval .

  19. 彼得在莱比锡学习,而他姐姐在柏林学习。

    Peter studiert in Leipzig , aber seine Shwester studiert in Berlin .

  20. 在1874年费迪南德布劳恩是一名24岁的教师在德国莱比锡。

    In1874 Ferdinand Braun was a24-year old teacher in Leipzig , Germany .

  21. 在莱比锡的一部电梯里:除非电梯着火,否则不要倒着走进电梯。

    Do not enter the lift backwards , and only when lit up .

  22. 宝马中心大楼,莱比锡,德国

    BMW central building , Leipzig , germany , 2005

  23. 德国中部一城市,位于萨尔河畔,莱比锡西北偏北处的一座城市。

    A city of central Germany on the Saale River west-northwest of Leipzig .

  24. 莱比锡大学成立1409年的今天,莱比锡大学成立。

    The University of Leipzig opens 1409 - The University of Leipzig opens .

  25. 冯特于1879年在德国莱比锡创建了第一个心理学实验室。

    Wil-helm set up the first psychological lab in leipzig , germany , in1879 .

  26. 莱比锡国际纪录片和短片电影节

    Leipzig International Documentary and Short Film Festival

  27. 莱比锡世界贸易活动的场所访莱比锡博览会新闻中心主任布什曼

    Leipzig a place for World Trade

  28. 分别在德国莱比锡、北京、东京、洛杉矶设有代表处。

    We are having representative offices in Leipzig Germany , Beijing , Tokyo and Los Angeles .

  29. 1409年的今天,莱比锡大学成立。

    1409-The University of Leipzig opens .

  30. 1813年的今天,莱比锡战役结束,成为拿破仑·波拿巴最大的战败之一。

    In1813 , The Battle of Leipzig concludes , giving Napoleon Bonaparte one of his worst defeats .