
  • legend;Living Legend
  1. 他是一个伟人,一个传奇人物。

    He was a colossus , a legend .

  2. 他热爱足球,在他Facebook账户上列出的喜爱球员中包括足球传奇人物贝克汉姆(DAVIDBECKHAM)。

    He loves soccer and lists among his favorite players on his Facebook account legend David Beckham .

  3. 马龙·白兰度、史蒂夫·麦奎因和詹姆斯·迪恩现在成了银幕上的的传奇人物。

    Marlon Brando , Steve McQueen , and James Dean are now legends of the silver screen

  4. 他们开始时是一个成功的音乐团体,那年则成为了演艺界的传奇人物。

    They began as a modestly successful musician group and ended the year as show business legends .

  5. 美国商界传奇人物、通用电气公司(GeneralElectric)前总裁兼CEO杰克•韦尔奇现在就真真切切地坐在我们面前。

    Jack Welch , the legendary chairman and CEO of General Electric Co.

  6. 这位两度获得奥斯卡奖的电影界传奇人物,在74岁时出演美剧《好运赛马》(luck),这是他首次出演电视剧。

    At the age of 74 , the two-time Oscar-winning movie legend is starring in luck , his first television drama .

  7. 华尔街传奇人物沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffet)每做一笔投资,通常都会引起人们的注意。

    When Wall Street legend Warren Buffet makes an investment , people usually notice .

  8. 我给纽约的Marc发了一封电子邮件:去见一个传奇人物该穿什么?

    I e-mail Marc in New York . What does one wear to visit a legend ?

  9. 2007年,Web1.0时代的传奇人物贾斯丁·基奇将他创办的小规模网站HomesteadTechnologies卖给了金融服务软件公司财捷集团,后一度还在这家公司任职。但不久之后他就辞职了。

    Web 1.0 phenom Justin Kitch sold his Homestead small-business site to Intuit in 2007 and went to work there . After a while , he left .

  10. 被枪杀的说唱歌手BIG在死后的唱片销量大大超过生前,而JohnnyCash的新专辑在这位美国传奇人物去世近6年后仍在不断面世。

    Slain rapper BIG had more hits posthumously than in life , while new Johnny Cash albums continue to appear almost six years after the country legend 's death .

  11. 手机开发界的两位传奇人物&马特•赫汉森和乔•布里特突然作为Android开发团队的成员登场。

    Matt hershenson and Joe Britt , two legendary figures in mobile phone development , have suddenly resurfaced as part of the team building Android .

  12. 纪念版封面上,这位已故NBA传奇人物身穿他的24号湖人球衣,面向球迷谢幕。

    The commemorative cover features the late NBA legend in his number 24 Lakers ' jersey , in front of a crowd of fans .

  13. 鉴于不久前,UNIX传奇人物、C语言的创始人DennisRitchie的过世,我们向C语言表示致敬是再合适不过的了。

    So given the recent passing of UNIX legend Dennis Ritchie , the creator of the C language , we think a toast to C is only fitting .

  14. 要知道,在硅谷找个成功的技术企业家可比找家星巴克(Starbucks)容易得多,而史密斯早就应该是硅谷的传奇人物了。

    In Silicon Valley where finding a successful tech entrepreneur is easier than finding a Starbucks Smith should be one of the legends .

  15. 不过流行音乐更为广阔的世界也为我们带来了诸多乐趣,这些乐趣来自各个音乐领域的艺术家,例如像金发女郎乐队和托丽·阿莫斯这样的二十世纪的传奇人物,以及像杜阿·里帕和“GirlRay”(女子射线)组合这样的新秀。

    But pop 's wider world also offered a lot of pleasures from artists all over the spectrum , such as the 20th century legends like Blondie and Tori Amos , and upstarts like Dua Lipa and Girl Ray .

  16. 包括NBA传奇人物雷·艾伦、格兰特·希尔、贾森·基德和史蒂夫·纳什在内的13名新成员已经于周五晚上入选奈史密斯篮球名人堂。

    Thirteen new members - including NBA legends Ray Allen , Grant Hill , Jason Kidd and Steve Nash - have been inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on Friday night .

  17. 据福布斯收入最高退役体坛运动员排行榜显示,这位53岁的NBA传奇人物高居榜首,遥遥领先排在其身后的前英格兰足球运动员大卫·贝克汉姆和前高尔夫明星阿诺德·帕尔默。

    The 53-year-old basketball legend remains on top of the Forbes highest paid retired athletes list , comfortably easing out former English soccer player David Beckham and golf star Arnold Palmer in the process .

  18. 桀骜不驯的阿根廷足球传奇人物马拉多纳(DiegoMaradona)周一抵达北京首都国际机场,并在随后的新闻发布会上重申,他愿意到中国执教。

    Arriving in the Beijing Capital Airport on Monday , madcap Argentinean soccer legend Diego Maradona reiterated in a press conference he would like to coach in China .

  19. 纪录片将在老特拉福德球场(OldTrafford)结束,这也是这位前英格兰队长开始的地方。小贝将在这片球场上与许多在他光辉的球员生涯中并肩作战过或对抗过的国际知名足球传奇人物踢最后一场比赛。

    It will end where it all began for the former England captain at Old Trafford , where he plays his final game with a host of internationally renowned footballing legends who he played for and against in his illustrious career .

  20. 巴西足球传奇人物贝利在接受德国杂志《体育图片报》(SportBild)采访时,巴西足球传奇人物贝利声称,世界杯准备工作“丢人现眼”,他指责“邪恶的人偷走了所有的钱。”

    In an interview with German magazine Sport Bild , Brazilian football legend Pele has called the preparations " a disgrace , " blaming " the evil people who have stolen all the money . "

  21. 还在麦科勒姆班上的时候,乔布斯碰巧与一个本校的毕业生成了朋友,此人就是斯蒂芬·沃兹尼亚克(StephenWozniak)。沃兹尼亚克一直是老师最喜欢的学生,并因为在班上展现出的杰出才能而成为全校的传奇人物。

    While a student in McCollum 's class , Jobs became friends with a graduate who was the teacher 's all-time favorite and a school legend for his wizardry in the class .

  22. 哈特谢普苏特王后(QueenHatshepsut)就是一个典型的例子。她生活在公元前15世纪,可谓是埃及一个传奇人物。她石棺上的画像身材苗条,看上去体格健康,但历史学家们认为,她实际上是个秃顶的胖女人。

    A notable example is the legendary Queen Hatshepsut , who lived in the 15th century B.C. While her sarcophagus depicts her as slender and athletic , historians believe she was actually obese and balding .

  23. 在上周六于拉斯维加斯举行的UFC(终极格斗冠军赛)167期赛事的主赛中,综合格斗(MMA,又称混合武术)传奇人物、UFC次中量级冠军乔治·圣皮埃尔(GeorgesSt-Pierre)接受乔尼·亨德里克斯(JohnyHendricks)的挑战。

    Mixed martial arts legend and UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre takes on Johny Hendricks Saturday night in Las Vegas in the main event of UFC 167 .

  24. 杰克森的母亲,同时也是医术精湛的凯瑟琳·艾弗里(CatherineAvery)医生来到西雅图进行一例极富创新精神的器官移植手术,所有的住院医师都争着抢着要和这位传奇人物合作,但机会最终花落梅尔迪斯(Meredith)。

    The great Catherine Avery , also Jackson 's mom , was in town to perform this revolutionary surgery . All the residents were clamoring to work with this legend of a woman , but the honor went to Meredith .

  25. 革命作家马里奥•卡帕纳(MarioCapanna)、街头艺术家达维德•蒂内利(DavideTinelli)和无政府朋客作家普里莫•莫洛尼(PrimoMoroni)等提契诺区居民中的传奇人物都曾是Rattazzo酒吧的常客。

    Revolutionary writer Mario Capanna , street artist Davide Tinelli and Anarcho-punk author Primo Moroni are just a few of the legendary Ticinese residents who became regulars at Bar Rattazzo .

  26. 作为摩纳哥斯蒂芬妮公主最小的女儿,好莱坞传奇人物格蕾丝·凯利的孙女——CamilleGottlieb不仅是名人,还是皇室成员。

    The youngest daughter of Princess Stephanie of Monaco and granddaughter of the Old Hollywood legend , Grace Kelly , Camille Gottlieb , is not only a celebrity and a member of the royal family .

  27. 国际反假联盟(IACC)部分成员与电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)上月的冲突,是一个传奇人物之间慷慨激昂的故事,展现了品牌所有人与全球最大在线平台之间不断深化的敌意。

    A collision last month between members of the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition ( IACC ) and ecommerce giant , Alibaba , is a tale of high emotions , larger-than-life characters and festering animosity between brand owners and the world 's largest online platform .

  28. 美国棒坛传奇人物泰德威廉斯心脏病去世

    Ted Williams , US Baseball Legend , Dies of Heart Disease

  29. 嗨,你从那时起就成了传奇人物。

    Hey , you 've become quite the legend since then .

  30. 你在和一个传奇人物喝咖啡,吃派。

    You are taking coffee and pie with a living legend .