
chuán zhēn jī
  • fax machine
  1. 这种型号同时具备电话机和传真机的功能。

    This model combines a telephone and fax machine .

  2. 传真机又坏了。

    The fax machine 's packed up again .

  3. 传真机在当时是一项了不起的发明。

    Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time .

  4. 你有传真机吗?

    Do you have a fax ?

  5. 传真机及其他形式的电子数据传输

    the fax machine and other forms of electronic data transmission .

  6. 现在卡通画家用传真机发送作品。

    These days , cartoonists send in their work by fax .

  7. 机器能自动将需要的信息下载到传真机上。

    The machine automatically downloads the required information to his or her fax .

  8. 现在全球使用的传真机数量已达到了1,000万台。

    The number of fax machines operating around the world has now reached ten million .

  9. 这部传真机坏了。

    This fax machine is broken .

  10. 这个传真机真慢。

    This fax is really slow .

  11. B:有,传真机旁边有一沓。

    B : Yes . There is a stack of them by the fax machine .

  12. 基于ARM嵌入式系统的数字传真机的软件设计

    Software Design of a Digital Facsimile Based on ARM Embedded System

  13. 在商业办公领域,传真机(Faxmachine)是一种应用广泛、非常实用的电子设备。

    Fax machine is a widely-used electronic equipment in offices .

  14. 相片传真机与IBMPc/XT的接口设计

    The Interface Design of Photograph Transmitter and IBM PC / XT

  15. B:哦,传真机的内存已经满了,而且也没有打印纸了。

    B : Oh , the memory of the fax machine is full , and there is no paper to print .

  16. 用于数据压缩传真机的MW码及前缀码搜索式译码实现

    MW Code in Data Compression Facsimiles and Its Decoding Implementation of Searching Prefix Codes

  17. B:你可以设定传真机打印一张完成回执,如果传真发送失败的话,传真机也会打印一张发送失败回执。

    B : You can set up the fax machine to print a completion receipt . It will also print an error page if the fax does not go through .

  18. POTS拨号点包括传统的电话机、手机和传真机。

    POTS dial peers include traditional phone sets , cell phones , and fax machines .

  19. n.解析度这传真机可选择传高解析度或低解析度。

    resolution The fax machine allows any fax to be sent in either high or low resolution .

  20. 在windows的机器上,传真机是作为打印机设置的,因此你是将信息“打印”至传真机传送。

    On windows machines , the fax is invariably set up as a fake printer , so you fax a message by " printing " it to the fax .

  21. 大多数广告公司仍在使用excel表格和传真机,仍在一如既往地通过长时间的客户午餐来润滑这一过程。

    Most agencies still use Excel spreadsheets and fax machines , with the process oiled , as ever , by long client lunches .

  22. 用户可以通过Internet和PSTN(固定电话、手机、传真机)接入平台从而方便地使用各种增值业务。

    Users may enter the platform through Internet and PSTN ( fixed-line telephone , cell phone , fax machine ) to gain each kind of value-added service conveniently .

  23. 研制了适合于新闻报纸传真机特点的声光调制器(AOM)。

    An acousto-optic modulator available for newspaper facsimile systems has been developed .

  24. G3文件传真机的差错控制

    Error Control for Group 3 Document Facsimile Apparatus

  25. 当收到启动信号时,传真机自动设置IOC和扫描速度,匹配相位并开始记录传真信号。

    When receiving a START signal , the JAX-9A automatically sets the IOC and the scanning speed , matches phases and starts to record the facsimile signal .

  26. PTAC加强传真机营销工作

    PTAC Strengthens Operation and Marketing of Fax Machines

  27. 嵌入式操作系统μITRON及传真机软件开发

    The Development of Facsimile software with μ ITRON

  28. 按PROG按钮,传真机储存所有的程序并返回到正常接收状态。

    Press PROG button , The JAX-9A stores all the entered programs and returns to the normal reception status .

  29. 我所在的是一个盒式录音带让位给CD,传真机让位给电邮,长途电话让位给大哥大的时代——然而好景不长,他们后来又被MP3,聊天平台以及智能手机取代了。

    I grew up in an era when cassette tapes , fax machines , and long-distance telephone calls gave way to CDs , emails , and cellphones - only to be supplanted by MP3s , chat platforms , and smartphones .

  30. 随着通信技术的发展,采用V.34建议的高速传真机已大量使用。

    With the development of telecommunication , high-speed facsimile terminals using Recommendation V.34 are wildly adopted in many fields .