
  • 网络Traditional Music;classical music
  1. 是的。我想找中国传统音乐的CD。

    Yes . I am looking for a Chinese traditional music CD .

  2. iTunes几乎独自就摧毁了传统音乐商店。Tower制片宣告破产。

    iTunes almost single-handedly wiped out traditional music stores . Tower records declares bankruptcy .

  3. 这是一种来自美国南方的传统音乐。

    It is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America .

  4. 他正统的嗓音似乎更适合传统音乐,而与Disclosure的合作却为他的声音增添了一丝现代韵味。

    His voice has a traditional sound and lends itself well to old standards . But pairing up with Disclosure added a contemporary edge to his voice .

  5. 在他居住的圣保罗(SãoPaulo)的低收入地区,居民们更喜欢传统音乐。

    The residents of the low-income area of S ã o Paulo where he lived preferred more traditional tunes .

  6. 《WakaWaka》汲取了诸多非洲传统音乐元素。

    Waka Waka features many musical elements that can be traced back to traditional African music .

  7. 传统音乐流派包括zhungdra和boedra。

    Traditional genres ( music ) include the zhungdra and boedra .

  8. 本论文属于中国传统音乐形态学研究领域。

    This dissertation belongs to Chinese traditional musical morphology research area .

  9. 但这并没有防碍汉口原有的传统音乐的发展。

    But this did not prevent Hankou original traditional music developments .

  10. “新潮音乐”与传统音乐结合的情况;

    The combination of the New Fashion Music with traditional music ;

  11. 在分析的方法上,仍采用了传统音乐作品分析的方法。

    The way of analysis is the traditional musical analysis method .

  12. 与中国古典诗歌格律脉脉相通的西方传统音乐

    The Formal Mutuality of Western Traditional Music and Chinese Classical Poetry

  13. 并受到了西非传统音乐的深远影响。

    It has a strong influence from West African traditional music .

  14. 中国的传统音乐和西方的风格有很大的差异。

    Traditional music in China is quite different from western styles .

  15. 曲牌,是中国传统音乐的独特乐曲形式。

    Qupai is a distinctive form of Chinese traditional music .

  16. 因而让习惯于中国传统音乐审美的听众听起来显得意蕴不够。

    So accustomed to traditional Chinese music aesthetic implication enough audience sounds .

  17. 中国传统音乐线性现象及成因分析

    On the " Linear " Phenomenon in Traditional Chinese Music

  18. 论传统音乐与发展河北现代区域经济

    Traditional music and the development of regional economy in Hebei

  19. ph.1.【音】二全音符第二类音乐是传统音乐。

    Double whole note The second type of music is traditional music .

  20. 哈尼族传统音乐文化是一个庞大的音乐体系。

    The traditional music of the Hanis is a large music system .

  21. 爱尔兰传统音乐组织的凯尔特音乐活动。

    Celtic music at Ceili social event at Comhaltas Ceoltiri .

  22. 新型民族管弦乐队与中国传统音乐资源&对民族管弦乐队发展现状的审视与思考

    The New Chinese Traditional Orchestra with the Resource of Chinese Traditional music

  23. 你以前听过中国的传统音乐么?

    Benidick : Have u heard Chinese traditional music before ?

  24. 他把中国传统音乐与西方形式结合起来,因此而出了名。

    He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms .

  25. 中国传统音乐是中国人运用本民族固有方法和形式创造出的具有本民族鲜明特点的音乐。

    Chinese traditional music was based on the national form and characteristics .

  26. 内蒙古传统音乐传承、保护、研究思路再议

    Reconsideration of the Inheriting , Protection and the research Thought

  27. 全球化和中国传统音乐教学体系的建设

    Globalization and Building Educational System of Chinese Traditional Music

  28. 中国传统音乐的情感母题及其文化意蕴

    The Original Subject of Sensibility and its Cultural Intention in Chinese Traditional Music

  29. 在中国传统音乐中,时值用“拍”来衡量。

    In traditional Chinese music time value is measured by " meter " .

  30. 一种体系两个系统&论中国传统音乐理论中的宫调

    On the gong diao of Chinese Traditional Music Theory