- foreign citizen of Chinese origin;ethnic Chinese;Chinese descent;Chinese

[Chinese descent;foreign citizen of Chinese origin] 古指我国和我国的边远地区,今指华侨在侨居国所生并取得侨居国国籍的中国人的子女
Though intercourse with student abroad and foreign citizen of Chinese origin , broad my horizon , and let me have more thoughts of my rest .
It has not only belonged to the children who are foreign citizen of Chinese origin with its scope gradually expanding and presenting a wide range of development trend .
Karen Sue , the Chinese-American mother of a fifth-grader and an eighth-grader , believes the competition within the district has gotten out of control .
Luckily , Voyo Woo , a Chinese immigrant in America , is trying to bring this art back to life .
On July 24 , the young Zaza lost her match to Chinese - Austrian athlete Liu Jia 4-0 during the preliminaries .
Right now China is lacking people with understanding of different languages and cultures , so overseas Chinese have a great advantage .
David Henry Huang is an active playwright in Chinese American Literary world and Broadway stage .
Amy Tan is a contemporary Chinese writer who is very influential in American literature world .
David Henry Hwang is considered as the most renowned Asian-American dramatist of the twentieth century .
Today about 14 percent of the population is ethnically Chinese , according to World Population Review , making Thailand the home of one of the world 's largest Chinese communities outside China .
Locke , if confirmed , would become the first Chinese-American commerce secretary .
Bernie Wong leads a Chinese American organization in Chicago .
In 2009 , Andrew Ng and a team at Stanford realized that GPU chips could run neural networks in parallel .
When a Chinese singer appeared onstage on the Dutch TV show Holland 's Got Talent , a judge named Gordon shouted out : Which number are you going to sing ?
Chinese American writer Helen Zia once said , Whenever US-China relations get chilly , Chinese Americans get pneumonia .
Bernie Wong adds that the Chicago government now asks Chinese Americans for their opinions about political and business concerns .
Chinese American writer Helen Zia once said , " Whenever US-China relations get chilly , Chinese Americans get pneumonia . "
Data on the size and growth of the overseas Chinese population is scant , but research from the Ohio University recently estimated that population to be 37m , with the majority residing in south-east Asia .
" Of course , definitely , CBA and Yi 's agents would prefer that he play in cities with large Chinese population ," Ma Jian said .
New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin was further acknowledged for his surprising play on Monday , earning Eastern Conference Player of the Week honors for games completed through February 12 .
Two years ago , Coke agreed to acquire its third major China bottler , Kerry beverages , from Robert Kuok , the Chinese-Malaysian tycoon .
His autobiography reads like an Amy Tan novel : the stand-off between father and son was ended when a fruit-seller befriended the unhappy boy and encouraged him to continue to play .
His dispatch of Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke both Chinese-Americans to Beijing as part of a series of confidence-building overtures this year was a smart move .
There is , for example , a harrow international Bangkok and a harrow International Beijing , in a franchise owned by Daniel Chiu , a Chinese businessman .
A New Yorker profile of Zuckerberg in September suggests that the Facebook CEO and his Chinese-American girlfriend Priscilla Chan are planning a personal two-week trip to China in December .
His girlfriend Priscilla Chan has joined him in the challenge and when they go out to restaurants they eat vegetarian dishes .
A household name at home after millions tuned into his Chinese New Year TV gala , the boy hails from the southern city of Xiamen and moved to Shanghai to study with the Conservatory 's Australian Chinese virtuoso William Chen .
Just about a block apart are the new headquarters for Chinese state television ( CCTV ) and the tallest building in Beijing , being built by the property arm of the Kerry Group , headed by the Chinese-Malaysian tycoon , Robert Kuok .
But now , as a member of the Brooklyn Nets , Mr. Lin says he has a different perspective on his fame and his popularity as the first American-born basketball player of Taiwanese or Chinese descent in the N.B.A.
Richard Nisbett , a professor of psychology who has written an excellent book about intelligence , cites a study that followed a pool of Chinese-American children and a pool of white children into adulthood .