
huá yì
  • foreign citizen of Chinese origin;ethnic Chinese;Chinese descent;Chinese
华裔 [huá yì]
  • [Chinese descent;foreign citizen of Chinese origin] 古指我国和我国的边远地区,今指华侨在侨居国所生并取得侨居国国籍的中国人的子女

  • 华裔之夷,流荒之貊。--张协《七命》。注:华,中国也;裔,远也。

华裔[huá yì]
  1. 通过与留学生及华裔地交流,使自己的眼界更加开阔,使自己对以后的路有更多的考虑。

    Though intercourse with student abroad and foreign citizen of Chinese origin , broad my horizon , and let me have more thoughts of my rest .

  2. 华文教育已经不单属于华裔子女,它的范围已逐渐扩大,呈现了多元化的发展态势。

    It has not only belonged to the children who are foreign citizen of Chinese origin with its scope gradually expanding and presenting a wide range of development trend .

  3. 凯伦·苏是一位五年级学生和八年级学生的华裔美国妈妈,她认为这个学区内的竞争已经失控了。

    Karen Sue , the Chinese-American mother of a fifth-grader and an eighth-grader , believes the competition within the district has gotten out of control .

  4. 幸运的是,一位旅美的华裔移民吴洋正试图让这门艺术重获生机。

    Luckily , Voyo Woo , a Chinese immigrant in America , is trying to bring this art back to life .

  5. 7月24日,年轻的扎扎在预赛中以0-4输给了奥地利华裔运动员刘佳。

    On July 24 , the young Zaza lost her match to Chinese - ­ Austrian athlete Liu Jia 4-0 during the preliminaries .

  6. B现在中国就缺这些懂不同语言文化的人,所以华裔特别有优势。

    Right now China is lacking people with understanding of different languages and cultures , so overseas Chinese have a great advantage .

  7. 黄哲伦(DavidHenryHuang)是近二十年来美国华裔文坛和百老汇戏剧舞台上的活跃者。

    David Henry Huang is an active playwright in Chinese American Literary world and Broadway stage .

  8. 谭恩美(AmyTan)是当代美国文坛上一位颇具影响力的华裔女作家。

    Amy Tan is a contemporary Chinese writer who is very influential in American literature world .

  9. 黄哲伦(DavidHenryHwang)被认为是二十世纪最出色的美国华裔剧作家。

    David Henry Hwang is considered as the most renowned Asian-American dramatist of the twentieth century .

  10. 根据“世界人口综述”(WorldPopulationReview)网站的数据,目前约有14%的泰国人是华裔,所以,泰国是中国以外世界上最大的华人社区所在地之一。

    Today about 14 percent of the population is ethnically Chinese , according to World Population Review , making Thailand the home of one of the world 's largest Chinese communities outside China .

  11. 如果得到批准,Locke将成为首位华裔美国商务部长。

    Locke , if confirmed , would become the first Chinese-American commerce secretary .

  12. BernieWong在芝加哥领导者一个华裔美国人组织。

    Bernie Wong leads a Chinese American organization in Chicago .

  13. 2009年,吴恩达(AndrewNg)(译者注:华裔计算机科学家)以及斯坦福大学的一个研究小组意识到,GPU芯片可以并行运行神经网络。

    In 2009 , Andrew Ng and a team at Stanford realized that GPU chips could run neural networks in parallel .

  14. 当一名华裔歌手在荷兰电视节目《荷兰达人秀》(Holland'sGotTalent)中登场时,一位名叫戈登(Gordon)的评委大声说道:你准备唱哪一个号码?

    When a Chinese singer appeared onstage on the Dutch TV show Holland 's Got Talent , a judge named Gordon shouted out : Which number are you going to sing ?

  15. 华裔美国作家HelenZia说过,不管何时美中关系变得寒冷,华裔美国人就会受伤。

    Chinese American writer Helen Zia once said , Whenever US-China relations get chilly , Chinese Americans get pneumonia .

  16. BernieWong补充道,芝加哥政府现在在政治和商业问题上会询问华裔的意见。

    Bernie Wong adds that the Chicago government now asks Chinese Americans for their opinions about political and business concerns .

  17. 华裔美国作家HelenZia说过,“不管何时美中关系变得寒冷,华裔美国人就会受伤。”

    Chinese American writer Helen Zia once said , " Whenever US-China relations get chilly , Chinese Americans get pneumonia . "

  18. 关于海外华裔人口的规模与增长状况,目前的资料还很匮乏。但俄亥俄大学(OhioUniversity)最近一项研究的估算,这一数字达到了3700万,其中的大多数人居住在东南亚地区。

    Data on the size and growth of the overseas Chinese population is scant , but research from the Ohio University recently estimated that population to be 37m , with the majority residing in south-east Asia .

  19. “当然,CBA和易的经纪人确实希望能到华裔聚居的城市打球,”马健说。

    " Of course , definitely , CBA and Yi 's agents would prefer that he play in cities with large Chinese population ," Ma Jian said .

  20. 纽约尼克斯队赤手可热的美籍华裔控卫林书豪的神奇表现再次得到认可,根据NBA官方报道,由于在结束的上一周表现出色,林书豪当选东部周最佳球员。

    New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin was further acknowledged for his surprising play on Monday , earning Eastern Conference Player of the Week honors for games completed through February 12 .

  21. 两年前,可口可乐从马来西亚华裔大亨郭鹤年(robertkuok)手中买下嘉里饮料(kerrybeverages),成为其在中国的第三大瓶装公司。

    Two years ago , Coke agreed to acquire its third major China bottler , Kerry beverages , from Robert Kuok , the Chinese-Malaysian tycoon .

  22. 郎朗的自传读上去像是华裔作家谭恩美(amytan)的小说:父子间的矛盾终于化解,一位卖水果的人帮助了不快乐的孩子,并鼓励他继续弹琴。

    His autobiography reads like an Amy Tan novel : the stand-off between father and son was ended when a fruit-seller befriended the unhappy boy and encouraged him to continue to play .

  23. 奥巴马派遣两位华裔美国人能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)和商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)前往北京访问,作为今年一系列旨在构建信任的善意表示的一部分,此举相当英明。

    His dispatch of Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke both Chinese-Americans to Beijing as part of a series of confidence-building overtures this year was a smart move .

  24. 例如,曼谷和北京都各有一所哈罗分校,这两所加盟分校的老板是华裔商人danielchiu。

    There is , for example , a harrow international Bangkok and a harrow International Beijing , in a franchise owned by Daniel Chiu , a Chinese businessman .

  25. 《纽约客》9月的一篇报道称,Facebook首席执行官及其美籍华裔女友普里西拉•陈(PriscillaChan)正筹划12月的中国两周行。

    A New Yorker profile of Zuckerberg in September suggests that the Facebook CEO and his Chinese-American girlfriend Priscilla Chan are planning a personal two-week trip to China in December .

  26. 他的华裔女友Priscilla陈也加入了他的计划。他们外出用餐时只点素食。

    His girlfriend Priscilla Chan has joined him in the challenge and when they go out to restaurants they eat vegetarian dishes .

  27. 在国内,数百万人看到他的贺岁电视演出之后,这个男孩的名字就家喻户晓了。他来自中国南部城市厦门,后来迁到上海,师从澳籍华裔艺术家威廉•陈(WilliamChen)。

    A household name at home after millions tuned into his Chinese New Year TV gala , the boy hails from the southern city of Xiamen and moved to Shanghai to study with the Conservatory 's Australian Chinese virtuoso William Chen .

  28. 在距离大约一个街区不到点的地方,是中央电视台(cctv)总部和马来西亚华裔大亨郭鹤年的嘉里集团(kerrygroup)旗下房产分公司建造的北京最高楼。

    Just about a block apart are the new headquarters for Chinese state television ( CCTV ) and the tallest building in Beijing , being built by the property arm of the Kerry Group , headed by the Chinese-Malaysian tycoon , Robert Kuok .

  29. 但现在,作为布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)的一员,林书豪说他对自己作为首位在美国出生的台湾或华裔NBA球员的名声和受欢迎情况有了不同的认知。

    But now , as a member of the Brooklyn Nets , Mr. Lin says he has a different perspective on his fame and his popularity as the first American-born basketball player of Taiwanese or Chinese descent in the N.B.A.

  30. 心理学家理查德·尼斯比特(RichardNisbett)写过一本有关智力的著作,书中提到了一项研究。该研究追踪了一群华裔孩子和白人孩子从小到大的情况。

    Richard Nisbett , a professor of psychology who has written an excellent book about intelligence , cites a study that followed a pool of Chinese-American children and a pool of white children into adulthood .