
  • Hua Hin;resort;Nong Kae
  1. 专车从曼谷机场,送到华欣高尔夫度假别墅。

    Private transfer from Bangkok Airport - Hua Hin Golf Villa .

  2. 下午的晚些时候我们将返回华欣和差安。

    In the late afternoon we will return to Hua Hin and cha am .

  3. 下午晚些时候你将回到华欣或差安的旅馆。

    In the late afternoon you will be back in the hotel in Hua Hin or cha am .

  4. 该研究成果,对华欣公司以及其所属的集团公司的未来决策有较大的参考价值。

    The research result could be major reference value to Huaxin company and its group on future strategy and decision-making .

  5. 这个结果将用于强化鹤岗华欣纸业股份有限公司稳定塘制浆废水处理。

    This result will be used to improve the pulp wastewater treatment in the stabilization pond of Huaxin Pulp and Paper Ltd.

  6. 来自东南亚国家的外交和财政部长们星期四开始陆续抵达泰国华欣,出席东盟峰会。

    Foreign and finance ministers from Southeast Asia began arriving Thursday in Hua Hin , Thailand , for the ASEAN summit .

  7. 除了泰国的度假胜地苏梅岛和华欣之外,他还去了伊斯坦布尔、巴厘岛、吉隆坡和兰卡威。

    Besides the Thai resorts of Koh Samui and Hua Hin , he visited Istanbul , Bali , Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi .

  8. 廊坊市华欣玩具乐器厂是一家专业的儿童乐器生产厂家,具备产品设计、制造和销售的综合实力。

    Huaxin T.M.I Factory is professionalized in manufacturing various percussion instruments in China and possesses integrated capabilities of design , manufacture and sale .

  9. 记得从华欣的旅馆带毛巾。为浮潜带上额外的圆领汗衫是个好主意。

    Remember to bring towels from the hotel in Hua Hin . It is a good idea to bring extra T-shirt for snorkeling .

  10. 华欣曼陀罗度假酒店是那些希望在热带天堂中感受平和宁静的夫妇或家庭最完美的休息去处。

    Hua Hin Mantra Resort is a perfect retreat for couples , or families who wish to experience serenity and tranquility in a tropical paradise .

  11. 在全球一体化经济环境下,华欣公司不仅面临着外部压力,更面临着内部的困难。

    Under the globalization economic environment , Huaxin Company is faced with not only the pressures from external , but also the difficulties from internal .

  12. 他将于2月27日于泰国华欣会同东盟十国的贸易部长及新西兰贸易部长共同签署东盟与纽澳自由贸易协定。

    On27 February in Hua Hin , he will join Trade Ministers from the10 member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations and his counterpart from New Zealand in signing the AANZFTA .