
  • 网络washington college
  1. 今天有两所学校是首次登场,一所是库珀高等艺术科学学院,另一所华盛顿学院则是美国历史最悠久的高等院校之一。

    There are also some schools we have not yet encountered such as Cooper Union and Washington College which is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the United States .

  2. 前美国驻土耳其大使及华盛顿学院客座研究员詹姆斯·杰弗里表示是时候美国派遣地面部队到波兰乌克兰边境进行军事演习。

    James Jeffrey , a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey and a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute , said it 's time for the United States to send ground troops to the Polish-Ukrainian border to conduct military exercises .

  3. 华盛顿Peterson学院国际经济学系的GaryHufbauer,担心“一连串的突发事件会阻碍多哈进程”。

    Gary Hufbauer , of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington , worries that a " fusillade of cases will set Doha back " .

  4. 作者是美利坚大学国际服务学院驻校学者,并在该校华盛顿法学院兼任副教授。

    The writer is scholar-in-residence at American university 's School of international service and adjunct associate professor at its Washington College of law .

  5. 柏林皇家科学院、不列颠学术联合会或华盛顿斯密孙学院发表的权威论文,就是驳斥印度群岛报、

    the Royal Academy of Science in Berlin , the British Association , the Smithsonian Institution in Washington , D.C. , at discussions in The Indian Archipelago ,

  6. 其他的慈善捐赠有为促进国家间了解的“卡内基国际和平基金”,为科学研究提供经费的华盛顿卡内基学院以及给各种艺术活动提供活动中心的卡内基音乐厅。

    Other philanthropic gifts are the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to promote understanding between nations , the Carnegie Institute of Washington to fund scientific research , and Carnegie Hall to provide a center for the arts .

  7. FrederickLawrence是乔治华盛顿大学法学院院长。

    Frederick Lawrence is a dean at George Washington University Law School .

  8. 乔治华盛顿大学商学院经济学家DannyLeipziger表示,这些因素起到了一定的作用。

    Economist Danny Leipziger of The George Washington University School of Business says these factors .

  9. 20世纪80年代中期时,她还是一名华盛顿大学护理学院(UniversityofWashingtonSchoolofNursing)的研究生,正在浏览有关女性了解初潮(即首次月经)途径的调查数据,用来为自己的硕士论文做准备。

    In the mid-1980s , she was a graduate student at the University of Washington School of Nursing when she reviewed survey data on how women had learned about menarche , or the onset of menstruation , for her master 's thesis .

  10. 藉由与美国华盛顿大学信息学院HarryBruce院长的对谈及文献探讨,研究下列三项议题:①图书信息学门的名称与定位,即图书信息学教育是图书馆学教育?

    Based on talking with the dean of information school of Washington University Harry Bruce and related documents studies , the author discusses the following three issues : ① Is the education of LIS belong to the library science education ?

  11. 本文在对美国华盛顿大学商学院进行实证考察的基础上,系统分析了美国华盛顿大学商学院的管理理念、管理体制、教育结构、MBA项目和教学方法及其对我国工商管理教育的启示。

    Based on the practical research , this paper analyses systematically the mission , government structure , education structure , MBA programs , and teaching methods of University of Washington Business School , then discusses its revelations for Chinese business administration education .

  12. 乔治华盛顿大学商学院教授AymanTarabishy表示,目前,学历已经不像市场技能那么重要。

    Professor Ayman Tarabishy at GW 's ( George Washington University 's ) School of Business says degrees are as important as marketable skills .

  13. 美国华盛顿大学商学院管理教育的实证研究

    Case Study on Business Administration Education of University of Washington Business School

  14. 斯蒂芬·汉斯是位于华盛顿的布鲁金斯学院的专门研究总统的学者。

    Stephen Hess is a Presidential Scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington .

  15. 这篇文章来自他上个月在华盛顿的独立学院委员会关于人文学未来的研讨会上的演讲。

    This essay is based on a talk he gave last month at the Council of Independent Colleges'Symposium on the Future of the Humanities , in Washington .

  16. 华家伟律师毕业于乔治华盛顿国际关系学院和法学院,并是弗吉尼亚州律师协会成员。

    David Wallace is a graduate of the George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs and the George Washington University Law School , and is a member of the Virginia Bar .

  17. 美国华盛顿大学商学院管理学教授克里斯托弗·巴恩斯的白皮书指出,睡眠是大多数公司正在忽略的一种“战略性资源”。

    Sleep is a " strategic resource " that most companies are ignoring , according to a white paper by Christopher Barnes , a management professor at the University of Washington 's Foster School of Business in the US .

  18. 塔胡尼在密歇根州立大学(MichiganStateUniversity)获得了经济学博士学位,在西雅图定居,生了四个孩子,还成了华盛顿大学福斯特商学院(FosterSchoolofBusiness)的高级讲师。

    Tarhouni earned a doctorate in economics from Michigan State University , settled in Seattle , and had four children , becoming a senior lecturer at UW 's Foster School of Business .

  19. 乔治华盛顿大学公共健康学院院长琳·古德曼(LynnGoldman)称赞了上周发布的饮食指南。

    Lynn Goldman , dean of public health at George Washington University , praised the dietary guidelines released last week .

  20. 华盛顿大学奥林商学院

    Washington University 's Olin School

  21. 今天的“大喊答题”节目环节的题目由华盛顿特区科技预备学院邓恩夫人的早间会议组提出。

    Today 's " Shoutout " goes out to Ms. Dunn 's morning meeting group at Tech Prep Academy in Washington , D.C.

  22. 美国华盛顿大学公共政策学院访问学者;

    Jia was the visiting fellow at the college of public policy , the University of Washington in Seattle ( USA ) .