
  • 网络north china block
  1. 华北地块内部主要断层运动模型的GPS数据反演分析

    GPS data inversion analysis of the movement models of main faults within the North China block

  2. 试论华北地块中生代以来的盆&山运动

    The basin-range movements of the North China block since the Mesozoic

  3. 利用GPS复测资料研究华北地块旋转运动

    Preliminary Study of Block Rotation in North China Area Using GPS Measurements

  4. 结果还表明,华北地块现今强震活动主要受NW走向断裂的控制。

    It shows that recent strong earthquakes are mostly controlled by active faults with NW strike in the North China block region .

  5. 华北地块中东部中生代侵入杂岩中角闪石和黑云母的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年:对岩石圈减薄时间的制约

    ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar dating of hornblende and biotite in Mesozoic intrusive complex from the North China Block : Constraints on the time of lithospheric thinning

  6. 捕虏体麻粒岩锆石U-Pb年龄和铪同位素:华北地块下地壳的形成与再造

    The U-Pb Dating Ages and Hf Isotopic Compositions of Zircon from Various Granulitic Xenoliths : The Formation and Reworking of the Lower Crust Beneath the North China

  7. 华北地块中&上元古界上升流沉积相及其与油气的关系

    Neoproterozoic-mesoproterozoic upwelling facies and its relationship with hydrocarbon in North China

  8. 华北地块早古生代地层单元的岩石磁学特征研究

    Magnetic features of Early Paleozoic rock units in North China block

  9. 华北地块早古生代古地磁结果的大地构造意义

    Tectonic implications of Early Paleozoic paleomagnetic results in North China block

  10. 古地磁欧拉极及对华北地块的应用

    Paleomagnetic Euler poles and its application to North China block

  11. 华北地块北缘金、多金属成矿地质背景

    Gold and polymetallic geological settings on the northern borderland of Huabei massif

  12. 华北地块北缘及邻区显生宙构造应力场

    Phanerozoic tectonic stress fields of North Marginal North China Craton and its adjacent area

  13. 华北地块晚中生代大规模陆内旋转与克拉通破坏。

    Late Mesozioc Large-scale Intra-continental Rotation and Cratonic Destruction of the North China Block .

  14. 华北地块北缘金矿床类型及成矿系列

    The gold deposit types and metallogenetic series on the northern borderland of North China massif

  15. 华北地块南部晚古生代至三叠纪沉积构造演化

    Sedimentary Tectonic Evolution from Late Palaeozoic to Triassic in the South of North China Block

  16. 华北地块破裂过程及构造活动规律

    The regularity governing the break up process and structural activity of the North China massif

  17. 华北地块近期构造变形和强震活动特征研究

    A Study on the Characteristics of Recent Tectonic Deformation and Earthquake Activity in North China

  18. 华北地块北缘是我国重要的金、多金属成矿带。

    The Northern Borderland of Huabei Massif is an important gold and polymetallic metallogenic belt in China .

  19. 逻辑信息法在华北地块北缘金矿预测中的应用

    Metallogenic prognosis of gold deposits by method of logical information on northern border of North China massif

  20. 华北地块和大别山块体分界线应是商城&桐城断裂;

    The boundary line between North - China plate and Dabie landmass is the Shangcheng Tongcheng fracture .

  21. 由跨断层形变测量反映的华北地块近期断裂活动特征

    The Recent Movement Character of Active Faults by Across-Fault Deformation Survey in the North China Block Region

  22. 北淮阳燕山期岩浆岩带是扬子地块与华北地块大规模陆内俯冲的产物。

    The Yanshanian north Huaiyang magmatic belt resulted from large-scale intracontinental subduction of the Yangtze and Huaibei massifs .

  23. 华北地块东部晚中生代至新生代岩石圈不均一减薄与改造模式

    Model of the Lithospheric Non-uniform Thinning and Alteration from Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic in the North China Block

  24. 这对认识华北地块东部中生代岩石圈地幔的性质以及岩石圈减薄机制具有重要意义。

    It is of important significance to realize the nature of Mesozoic lithospheric mantle and mechanism of lithospheric thinning .

  25. 加强华北地块构造变形和地震活动规律的研究,对于防震减灾,为国民经济建设服务,具有重要意义。

    It is important for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction to study tectonic deformation and seismicity regularity of this region .

  26. 笔者认为,在早元古代以前,华北地块与兰州-西宁地块曾连为一体。

    The authors think that the North China Massif and Lanzhou & Xining Massif formed one continent in the early Proterozoic .

  27. 该文对华北地块北缘的金矿进行了成因分类,共分为3大类7亚类。

    Three main types and seven subtypes are genetically classified for the gold deposits at the northern margin of North China platform .

  28. 华北地块北缘中段铅锌银矿床成矿作用讨论铅同位素特征对成矿物质来源的制约&以华北地块北缘中段铅锌银矿床为例

    Pb Isotope Characteristics of Pb-Zn - ( Ag ) Deposits in the Middle North Margin of North China Block : Constraints on Source Process

  29. 印度板块、塔里木盆地、东欧地块、西伯利亚地台、华北地块、扬子地台、东南沿海褶皱系均表现突出。

    Some blocks are more obvious as India plate , Tarim basin east Europe block , Siberian plate , North-China block , Yangtze , etc.

  30. 华北地块北缘金银铜铅锌成矿系列综合信息找矿模型

    The Synthetic Informational Prospecting Models of Metallogenetic Series of Gold , Silver , Copper , Lead and Zinc in the Northern Borderland of North China Massif